Dining Out with Diabetes

My father has diabetes, which makes dining out challenging. You want to be able to dine out with friends and family, but you don’t want to do anything that will cause your blood sugar to rise or drop dramatically. Here are a few tips for dining out if you have diabetes: Timing If you live in a large city, you know that eating out often requires a wait time. But, it is important for diabetics to eat on schedule. If you go to a restaurant at your normal dinner time, but have to wait 45 minutes, your blood sugar can … Continue reading

Is Curcumin a Miracle Cure?

I’ve been hearing a lot about curcumin lately. It is a compound found in the spice turmeric. If you’ve ever had Indian food with curry, you have no doubt eaten turmeric. It is what gives curry its yellow color. But, could curcumin help cure and prevent some diseases? Research is point in that direction. A recent nine month study showed that curcumin may be beneficial for people with pre-diabetes. As you know, diabetes, probably due to the obesity problem in America, is on the rise. But, a study conducted in Thailand recently showed that people who consumed curcumin lowered their … Continue reading

When Your Child is Diagnosed with Diabetes

If your child has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you most likely have a list of questions concerning her care and her future. While the diagnosis of diabetes is not as devastating as it once was, it is still a serious condition and your child will suffer without proper diet and medical care. 1. Read this note to parents of children newly diagnosed with diabetes. It is important to know that you are not alone. There are teams of people working for a cure and medical staff that will take good care of your child. 2. Join the Juvenile Diabetes … Continue reading

November is Diabetes Awareness Month

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Do you or someone you love have suffer from diabetes? This month is set aside to educate the public and to raise funds for the cure. Many companies, blogs, websites and newspapers are getting involved in spreading the word. One in 3 Americans will develop diabetes in their lifetime. With statistics like that surely you will know someone with this disease. However, many are still unaware of what this disease is, who it affects and why. Is there anything you can do to help prevent yourself from becoming diabetic? What steps can you take to … Continue reading

Treat Your Gestational Diabetes for Better Health

Did you know that around five percent of women are diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Unlike Type II diabetes, gestational diabetes is limited to pregnancy. You are cured once you have your baby. That does not mean that gestational diabetes is without its risks, however. You wouldn’t want to end up with an over-sized baby, for example! That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Recently I was notified of a new study coming out in the latest issue of The New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Mark Landon and a team of investigators from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National … Continue reading

Diabetes Cure for Mice in Toronto

Scientists in Toronto have managed to relieve diabetes in mice… starting with a relatively common food item. Researchers took a look at the similarities between diabetes and multiple sclerosis — a disease of the central nervous system. The pancreas (where insulin is produced) has “islets” that produce insulin that help the body process food and manage blood sugar. However, the researchers saw a large number of pain neurons around these islets. Using the idea that diabetes may be linked to the presence of these pain neurons, researchers injected capsaicin (the thing that makes hot peppers hot) into nerve cells near … Continue reading

10 Foods You Should Add to Your Diet

The following foods are high in nutritional value and low in calories. If you can incorporate them into your diet you should. Almonds These have heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. Recent studies have found that one ounce of almonds every day can reduce LDL cholesterol and reduce risk of heart attack. Almonds are also rich in calcium, protein, copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and vitamin E. Bell Peppers Bell peppers (red, orange, yellow or green) are loaded with vitamins A and C, vitamin B6 and folate. Red peppers also have lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant that may reduce the risk … Continue reading

The Benefits of a Low-Sugar Diet

This is not the cure all to weighing less, but substantially decreasing your sugar definitely will curb your appetite and help keep you steady all day long! But do you know how sugar affects you? We all know that a sugary breakfast or a sugary snack will certainly lead to a ‘crash’ later. . .but do you know why? Here’s the science behind eating a low sugar diet. I had for breakfast this morning a piece of whole wheat toast, yogurt and an apple. Right now as we speak, my digestive tract is busy doing what it does so well. … Continue reading

Momma’s on a Diet: On the Starting Blocks

Or should that be the do-over blocks I wonder? It’s not exactly the first time I’ve tried to lose this unsightly weight, or the second, or third. You get the picture? This time however there’s a very clear bigger picture to look at. Losing weight to become healthier would be great. Shifting pounds to have more energy would actually be awesome. Shrinking to be able wear smaller sized clothes would be kinder on my finances. But my main reason for losing weight is to get my medical team to look past the excess fat and start treating me like they … Continue reading

A Diet To Cure Diabetes?

A doctor in Kansas is taking a not-so-radical approach to diabetes. Most physicians abandoned the idea of a carbohydrate-free diet for diabetic patients back in the 1930s. Now Doctor Mary Vernon and other doctors are prescribing a carb-free diet and seeing their patients go through amazing changes. Vernon says that removing carbohydrates from a diabetic person’s diet can reverse symptoms and free them from a life of injections and medications. Since 1980, diabetes has increased in the United States by 47 percent. Diabetes is a leading cause of heart disease and comes with other possible complications like vision problems, nerve … Continue reading