Why is President Obama’s Hair Turning Gray?

Obama appears to be going gray. Is this due to genetics, or simply a side effect of being the President of the United States? The answer to this question has been speculated about in quite a few of the news articles that can be found online. President Obama did an interview with Jake Tapper from ABC. Mr. Tapper pointed out to President Obama that he has been “getting gray”, and that the gray seems to disappear after the President gets a haircut. The implication is that perhaps Obama had been dying his hair. However, the President pointed out that the … Continue reading

Free Hair Color From Clairol – This Friday The Thirteenth!

To the superstitious, Friday the thirteenth is a day to be especially wary. To those who desire to scare away their gray hair with a nice, new, natural looking hair color, Friday the thirteenth might just be your lucky day! Clairol will be giving away a free box of Natural Instincts Vibrant hair color on Friday, May 13, 2011. Some women become extremely upset when they find their first gray hair. They consider the existence of even one gray hair to be a proof that they are “getting old”. Or, at least, a sign that they are no longer teenagers, … Continue reading

Coloring Your Hair At Home

I have never liked the color of my hair. When I was younger I was told that the color of my hair was “dirty dishwater blonde.” Who wants to be told that their hair is the color of dirty dishwater? I can’t say for sure but I have feeling the desire to change my hair color began back then. After I had my first child I was ready for a change. I wanted to be a cute blonde. It would require having it professionally done, which cost a lot of money. Within five weeks my dark roots would begin to … Continue reading

A Good Scare… and Your Hair

I wish I had thought of this one before Halloween: can a fright actually turn your hair grey or white in an instant? Literature and even history has tales of folks whose hair went white overnight. The earliest account comes from 83 AD, and describes a seventeen-year-old student whose hair went white overnight. Experts of the day determined that his strenuous studying was to blame. Marie Antoinette’s hair supposedly woke up with white hair on the morning of her encounter with the guillotine. Western legend Annie Oakley’s hair is said to have turned white after a train accident. The shock … Continue reading

Is Your Daughter Afraid of Spiders?

The word “scared” doesn’t even come close to describing my preschool daughter’s fear of spiders. “Petrified,” “terror-stricken,” and “alarmed” don’t do her anxiety justice either. It’s nearly impossible to describe in a single word what happens when my otherwise fearless daughter catches sight of eight long black legs scuttling across the floor. Simply put, she freaks out. She screams as though someone was ripping out her hair with his or her bare hands. She can’t (or won’t) run away because she is paralyzed with fear, and she has a hard time uttering anything more than “sp-sp-sp-sp-iiiiiiiiiiiii-DER!” in between huge gasps … Continue reading

How to Make Your Own Scarecrow

Thank goodness for scarecrows and pumpkins. As I mentioned in a previous blog they are some of the only seasonal decorations my young daughter can stand to be around without having a full-blown meltdown. Given that she is petrified of gory Halloween décor our home has turned into a haven for happy homemade scarecrows and our porch is a virtual pumpkin patch. If you are looking to add tame seasonal décor to your home (either because your own children are deathly afraid of fake bloody limbs and screeching plastic bats or you simply want to make your house a welcome … Continue reading

Star Medical News–Dorothy Hamill’s Cancer Scare and Poppy Montgomery Pops Out a Baby Boy

She is the legendary figure skater that I have adored since I was a child. And I freely admit that like millions of other little girls I too made my hairdresser give me her trademark wedge haircut after she won the gold medal at the 1976 Olympics. Which is why it is with great sadness that I learned Dorothy Hamill is battling breast cancer–the same insidious disease that has ravaged the lives of millions of families around the world, including my own. The 51-year-old former Olympian issued a statement yesterday and revealed that her prognosis is “favorable,” though she said … Continue reading

Lally’s Neck Sore And…

Here’s an update on Lally and her mysterious neck sore. It wasn’t a cut or puncture from her adventures in the bushes. It wasn’t a sore from collar friction, either. Our wonderful new vet checked Lally out and found… an ear infection. Both ears have a bacterial infection. The sore was either caused by too much scratching — trying to itch the ear and irritating the neck — or from wandering bacteria from the ear. Either way, Lally has a hot spot about the size of a quarter on her neck. The folks at the vet clinic shaved away all … Continue reading

Fun Father’s Day Reads

Forget about the tacky tie, fluorescent golf balls, and the tennis racket-shaped bug zapper.  What Dad really wants this Father’s Day is some quality time with the TV remote, his trusty recliner and a plate of bacon. Of course, what Dad wants for the upcoming holiday and what his enthusiastic young offspring want for him may be vastly different.  Fortunately, the following Father’s Day reads may be the key to compromise.  Kids can cuddle up with Dad on his favorite chair and share quality time reading the delightful holiday-themed page turners… while Mom cooks a pile of pork products for a post-story time … Continue reading

Alternatives to Cooking with Butter

If you are like me and your best friends are fat, most notably butter and oil, you may need to make a few changes in your diet. So, can we say goodbye to our fat unhealthy friends without saying goodbye to flavor? Yes, there are healthier options that are low in fat, do not contribute to cholesterol and do not require us to live without flavor. Best of all, most of these alternatives are easy, inexpensive and products you may already have on hand. 1. “Honey, pass the honey.” Many of us start our mornings with a slice of toast … Continue reading