My Mystery, Solved!

Did you miss me? I missed you! But my computer’s breakdown came at a pretty opportune time, as it gave me a few days to focus on my health. Here’s the latest news. First, a quick recap: a pelvic exam suggested that I might have fibroids. My doctor ordered an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis, but the results weren’t quite clear. I was handed off to a teaching clinic for more testing. Or so I thought. The doctor walked into the exam room and greeted me with a cheery, “So, you’re here to talk about surgery?” After I picked my … Continue reading

A Mystery is Afoot!

Well… a mystery is a-uterus. First, a quick recap: I went to my doctor before New Year’s for a physical, including pelvic exam. After running down some of my monthly issues — and after finding that my uterus seemed enlarged, the doctor suspected I had fibroids and sent me off for an ultrasound. The results of my uterus are in… and they’re not quite clear. The ultrasound showed that I have two pretty good sized growths. One is inside the uterus; the other is outside the uterus. In fact, the outside growth is larger than my uterus itself. For the … Continue reading

Pain and Appetite

Pain can be hard on your body. Sure, it’s a good indicator that something is wrong… but pain can really mess with your body’s normal function. Maybe you have trouble sleeping, or maybe you lose your appetite. It seems like pain is one of those signals that overrides some of the other noise going on in your body — like the rumble in your tummy that says you’re ready for another meal. To be honest, I hadn’t thought much about it until it became a personal problem. I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain lately from the region of my … Continue reading

Hurry Up and Wait

I’ve been joking lately that I’d like to take the next step in figuring out my health mystery soon — and not “soon” in dog years. Things feel like they’re moving very slowly. To recap: just before New Year’s, I had a physical and pelvic exam. Because my uterus was enlarged, the nurse midwife suspected I had fibroids. She ordered an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. But the ultrasound results were unclear… so the plan is to hand me off to a specialist for further testing. It hasn’t quite been a month since the pelvic exam and original diagnosis… but … Continue reading

What’s the Deal with the Fruit Scale?

Why the heck do we measure things in terms of fruit? My research on fibroids — starting with the info packet from the doctor — said that they can get as large as a grapefruit. Talking to friends revealed that many of them have experienced the fruit scale when talking about fibroids and other growths. After my ultrasound results came in, the doctor described one of my growths as a “long grapefruit” (to which a friend said I’d achieved a whole new level on the fruit scale). A quick web search found a really cute list that ran through a … Continue reading

Mrs. Jeffries Takes the Cake – Emily Brightwell

An installment in the “Victorian Mysteries” series, “Mrs. Jeffries Takes the Cake” is the first Emily Brightwell novel I have read, but it will not be the last. I was quite taken with the premise and the characters and will return again soon. Inspector Witherspoon is a hard-working Scotland Yard detective with a superb record for cases solved. He has received much acclaim for his amazing ability to see through to the heart of the case and solve the most difficult mysteries. What his adoring public does not realize is that the good Inspector wouldn’t know how to solve a … Continue reading