Make Life With Hearing Loss Easier

Living with hearing loss can be challenging. Some situations are easier than others — it will be far easier to talk to one friend or family member in the quiet of your home than to try to have a conversation in a busy restaurant! It takes a lot of effort to hear, sometimes, and that can be very stressful. You may be tempted to avoid certain social situations and/or worry about your safety — if you can’t hear a fire alarm or police car’s siren, for example. Hearing aids may be an obvious choice for improving your hearing. However, they … Continue reading

Adjusting To A Hearing Aid

I can remember when I was in third grade, getting my first pair of glasses. Oh how I hated them at first! They made my nose itch. They made my ears feel funny. My hair was always getting tangled in them. It took me several weeks to get used to them. Expect the same thing if you’re adjusting to a new hearing aid. It may take weeks; it may take months! What you can expect: You may hear noises you haven’t heard in a long time — background noises you’d forgotten about will suddenly be back. Your own voice may … Continue reading

The Man Called “Dad”

Forget about the flailing economy, the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, and other international and domestic upheavals, according to President Barack Obama, being a father to his two young daughters is one of his toughest jobs… but also the most rewarding. In honor of Father’s Day, the president devoted his Saturday radio and Internet address to fatherhood, and didn’t shy away from speaking about his own perceived failings as dad to daughters Malia, 12, and Sasha, 10. Obama also spoke about growing up without his own father. “I felt his absence. And I wonder what my life would have … Continue reading

Health Care When Your Child Comes Home

One of the first things adoptive parents want to do when their baby or child comes home is go to a doctor for a full checkup. This way parents can have a baseline medical exam for their child and address any medical issues that were not detected before placement. If you are adopting a child from the foster care system, parents should be informed where the child has been getting health care. Some parents continue to use the same provider. Other parents ask to have the records sent to a doctor they choose. Adoptive parents should be given all the … Continue reading