LASIK: Before and After

Preparing for LASIK laser vision correction surgery isn’t difficult. Here are a few things you can expect: A surgical coordinator will talk to you about preparation and aftercare, and take a medical history. Eye tests, like corneal thickness, refraction, and pupil dilation. Evaluation of your vision correction prescription (using your glasses/contact lenses). A meeting with the surgeon to ask any questions you may have. You may be asked to not wear contact lenses for several days before the procedure. If you wear rigid gas permeable contact lenses, you may be asked to not wear them for several weeks before the … Continue reading

All About LASIK

Tired of wearing glasses? Whether you’re nearsighted, farsighted, or suffer from astigmatism, you have an option for vision without glasses or contact lenses. You may have heard of LASIK; officially, the procedure is called laser in-situ keratomileusis. The cornea is the clear part in the front of your eye. Laser vision correction surgery reshapes the cornea so that the light that passes through it is properly focused onto the retina — the layer of nerves at the back of the eye that transmit light into the brain. The advantages of LASIK include: Success rate. Approximately eighty percent of patients will … Continue reading

Over the Counter Eyeglasses, Frugal or Crazy

As a frugalista, there are many things I am willing to skimp on. There are still a few items that I feel a need to pay full price for. Eyeglasses is one area where I have always thought you could not be frugal… until today. I have been harassing my father for years about his habit of buying over the counter eyeglasses from the local CVS store. “Your eyes are nothing to play with”, I would tell him. You need a prescription. He always smiled and shrugged and said they worked just fine. As he didn’t have eye care insurance, … Continue reading

What is Monovision?

It happens right about when you hit the ripe old age of 40 or so. You start having to need to hold your book or the newspaper just a little bit further away from your eyes in order to see more clearly. This, my friends, is known as presbyopia. It is a normal part of the aging process of the eyes. What will work in helping you to see better are those little glasses that you can buy as a nonprescription remedy at most supermarkets, discount stores, and pharmacies. If you wear glasses though, this solution is out. You will … Continue reading

Help Your Eyes Adjust to Bifocals

The day may come when the eye doctor switches you from regular glasses to bifocals (or trifocals) — especially if you have trouble seeing close up and things that are far away. For someone used to single-prescription glasses, the switch to bifocals can be disorienting. Eye doctors say that it may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to get used to multifocal lenses. You may need to re-visit the optometrist for adjustments — you’re dealing with two separate prescriptions living in one glasses frame. The measurements need to be more precise than traditional single-focus glasses. Here … Continue reading

Night Blindness

How’s your night vision? I don’t think mine is the worst out there, but I don’t think it’s great, either. It does take your retina a moment or two to adjust to differences in light when going from bright to dark or vice versa. Some people do tend to have more trouble with night vision than others. People who are nearsighted, for example, can be slower to adapt to seeing in the dark. So what can you do if you’re worried about your night vision? Check your own night vision first — you don’t need the doctor for this one. … Continue reading

Wear Your Glasses!

I was eight years old when I got my first pair of glasses — and I’ve been wearing them every day since then. At first, I hated them. They itched my nose. They felt weird on my ears. I took them off every chance I got — for example I wouldn’t wear them out onto the playground for recess. But one day I was playing outside and noticed how clear everything looked. I had forgotten to take my glasses off! That’s when I realized how helpful they are. If your child is fighting against the idea of glasses, here are … Continue reading

If You Had A Thousand Dollars…

Fitness magazine recently polled readers and asked them what they would do if they had a thousand dollars to spend on fitness. Nearly half of the respondents would hand the money over to a personal trainer in order to get some motivation and personal attention for their workouts. Survey results included: 45% of respondents picked the personal trainer. 38% of respondents would buy a fancy piece of home gym equipment. 13% would take off on some sort of fitness adventure, like a hike or a mountain climb. 4% of respondents would use their thousand dollars to pay for a gym … Continue reading