Drinking Aloe

Aloe vera has long been valued as a healing plant. The leaves are full of a gel that has been shown to help heal wounds and soothe burns. But have you thought about drinking aloe juice? On the one hand, it seems like something that can be so beneficial for your outsides might not be bad for your insides, too. Studies have shown that aloe latex — taken from the lining of the aloe leaves — works reasonably well as a laxative. But right now there isn’t much evidence to guide dosages or compare aloe latex with other available laxatives. … Continue reading

Homemade Hand Sanitizer

The other day, I visited my best friend in the hospital. She had surgery for ruptured discs and although the operation went well, I still wanted to stop by and see her. We visited during my lunch hour then I left to go back to work. Once I got in the car, I realized I hadn’t washed my hands. I am probably not as fanatical about washing my hands as I probably should be, but for some reason, I always feel incredibly germy after leaving the hospital. I was afraid I’d stick my fingers in my mouth unconsciously, so I … Continue reading

Hubby’s Radiation Therapy

When you go into the radiation room to start radiation therapy for cancer you really do not know what to expect. You see this room with thick lead walls all the way around you, a giant machine that rotates around you and a metal table that you lay on. With testicular cancer they place you belly up on this table and put the lead egg on the testicle and penile area to protect it from the radiation. They line up the radiation machines guiding lights with the tattoos that you now have and then they go out and hide behind … Continue reading

Plants That Are Dangerous For Cats

Many years ago, when I lived in a small apartment with two cats, I had a friend over for the first time. She was looking around our lovely little apartment, when all of a sudden my cat started to vomit violently. Oh yes, and things were coming out the other end of the cat too. It was full on cat festivities, and the friend looked moderately horrified as our chat came to an abrupt end and I packed the cat into a carrier to take to the emergency vet clinic – it was a holiday, of course. Several hundred dollars … Continue reading

Radiation Therapy

Did you know when you are getting ready to go through radiation therapy they have to give you tattoo’s? No not the cool tattoo’s just little blue freckle tattoos. They use the tattoos to line up the radiation machine to give you the dosage in the exact same spots each and every time. I am not going to lie to you I do have a tattoo already and that is much larger than a freckle and hurt a lot less than the freckles do. I think the reason that it hurt so much is because the area where they put … Continue reading

The Big Burn

My daughter’s Catholic school uniform is red, white and blue, though most kids typically show up to class wearing just the blue pants and white shirt. However, today when I dropped my first grader off at school I was met with a sea of red, only it wasn’t because all the kids finally decided to don their crimson sweaters. Rather, the red came courtesy of Sunday’s overexposure to ultraviolet rays. Yup, more than half the student body was sporting a mean sunburn. I suppose I shouldn’t have been that shocked considering that yesterday’s high of 83 was the first time … Continue reading

How to Help part 2

Chemotherapy is over and you are wondering how you can help your family or friend going through this. For many people chemotherapy is just one step of the journey. For me I also had 33 days of radiation therapy ahead of me. Honestly I thought the radiation was going to be a piece of cake, I mean isn’t chemo supposed to be the hard part? My radiation therapy started about a month after chemo ended, first you get little blue tattoo’s placed on you so they can line the machine to every time. If you are trying to think of … Continue reading

High Fashion On A Low Budget

With the economy as bad as it is, being frugal is a must. You could be cutting costs by making your own frugal cleaning products, or making more meals at home. When it comes to clothing though, being frugal takes work. Thrift shops are no secret to those with a tight budget, and today they’re almost trendy compared to 20 years ago. But I see a lot of people who shop at thrift shops dressing like they shop at thrift shops. All it takes is a bit of time and patience and you can accumulate a wardrobe that would even … Continue reading

Baby Safe Plants

My daughter has always loved, loved, loved putting things into her mouth. Luckily, when she was a baby she did not have an inclination to swallow these things. From tales told by other moms, I know I’m lucky. I do live with an eat anything monster, though. Our cat will eat anything that we leave around the house. With her, I’ve been in emergency for dehydration after she was unexpectedly sensitive to a fig leaf. Who knew? Between the cat and the kid, I’ve had my share of putting things in the mouth scares. In that spirit, I wanted to … Continue reading

Almost Free Gifts You Can Make Now

Get started early on your holiday gift shopping with the following ideas that will cost you next to nothing! It never fails that the gifts you get at the last minute are the ones that cost the most. But, you know what? I bet you can put some nice gifts together right now probably without leaving your home! Let’s get started. Stockpile basket Gifts You can make a whole array of great basket gifts using your stockpile of items that you got very cheaply or even for free. Think about it and about what you already have. You can do … Continue reading