Alternatives to Hysterectomy

Each year, approximately six hundred thousand women undergo surgery to remove the uterus — a hysterectomy. For many women with menstrual difficulties, hysterectomy seems like the best (or only) option. However, a study from UCLA found that nearly seventy percent of women could have been treated with non-surgical means — with equally positive results. In some cases — uterine cancer, for example — a hysterectomy is the best option. In other cases, you may want to investigate non-surgical alternatives. If you have heavy, painful periods but may want to become pregnant in the future, talk to your doctor about hormone … Continue reading

Fun with Hormones!

I was on birth control for part of my twenties… and I have to say, I really liked it. I enjoyed the regular periods and the lack of PMS symptoms. It was great knowing exactly when things would start and end. But once I wasn’t sexually active (between relationships, you see), I stopped taking birth control. I didn’t need it for the birth control aspect, and my periods stayed relatively regular for a few years after I stopped the hormones. The doctor I saw at the teaching clinic said that he thought “birth control” wasn’t the best name. For women … Continue reading

Tests, Treatments, and Nerves

In case I haven’t harped upon this enough in the last few days, I’m having an ultrasound this afternoon. And I’m a little nervous. Long story short: after my recent pelvic exam, my doctor suspects I have fibroids. I’m having an ultrasound today to confirm the diagnosis, so we can figure out a treatment plan. I’m glad to know that there’s a reason for my monthly misery — irregular periods, painful cramps, and other symptoms. I’m glad to know there is a wide variety of treatment options available. But I’m still nervous about the test. Let’s be honest: I get … Continue reading

My Crash Course in Fibroids

Chances are, you know a woman who’s experienced fibroids — growths of the uterus. These growths are pretty common; at least a quarter of women have signs of fibroids that can be detected on an ultrasound or with a physical examination. And if you didn’t know someone with fibroids before, you might know someone now. Yesterday, I had a physical with a pelvic examination. Fun times! Let’s just say that my uterus is not the best-behaved organ out there. In the last year or so, my periods have been very irregular and have come with terrible cramps and hormonal migraines. … Continue reading

Black Clouds

Have you ever seen a cartoon or a comic strip featuring some poor soul who has a black cloud overhead following him (or her) wherever he (or she) goes? They can’t get a break. Everywhere they turn, everything they do, doom awaits. I’ve had days where I’ve felt like that. Days where no matter what I try, I can’t shake the black cloud. I know Wayne has too. Usually we don’t experience it at the same time, though, so whoever’s got the sun on their side tries to stand as close as possible to the other. That way we can … Continue reading