Amazing Meditation

Meditation really is amazing — studies have shown that meditation can have some impressive effects on the human body. A study from the American Journal of Cardiology found that people who practiced Transcendental Meditation actually lived longer than those who didn’t. A study from the University of California at Irvine found that people who meditate show less activity (as much as fifty percent less) in the pain centers of the brain. Another study from the University of Pennsylvania found that meditating twice daily reduced the severity of congestive heart failure — increasing survival rates. A study from the Preventive Cardiac … Continue reading

5 Quick Activities for Self Care

Many parents are looking forward to the start of a new school year. Keep in mind that back-to-school comes with hectic mornings, help with homework, and the enforcement of a bedtime routine (that may have lapsed over the summer). It is important for parents to take a little time for self care while the kids are at school. Here are a few simple ideas to start with. The Living Self-Care website says that moms and dads that take care of themselves first will have more to offer to their children (and to the rest of the world). Self-care doesn’t have … Continue reading

Physical Health Affects Your Spiritual Health

Have you felt spiritually sluggish lately? Is your temper a little too short? And does it seem like nothing is going the right way? You may need to take some time to focus on your physical health to bring your spirit back into balance. It is important to realize that if you are not taking care of yourself, that your spirituality and all other aspects of your life are going to fall out of balance. You should focus first on getting enough sleep. It is amazing how important sleep really it. You will think more clearly with enough sleep. You … Continue reading

Having Trouble Sleeping? (3)

So far we have addressed poor sleeping habits such as not waking at the same time each day, using the bedroom for activities other than sleeping, the trouble with lights in the bedroom, and the emotional effects of a messy bedroom. You can find the links to the first two articles in this series below. Today we look at the issues of anxiety and stress in sleep disorders. 5. Worry and anxiety and their effect on sleep We all intuitively know that anxiety and worry are professional sleep killers. Yet we can’t always avoid worry and anxiety in our lives, … Continue reading

More Qigong Moves

If you liked your first experience with qigong, you may be looking for more meditation moves to try. Here are a few more! Rocking: stand with your feet about hip-width apart and your knees unlocked. Step forward about a foot with your right foot. With your arms at your sides, bend your elbows about ninety degrees. Keep your palms facing each other. Rock forward, bending your right knee and extending your arms upward as you inhale. Your hands should circle up and away from you. Rock back onto your left knee and circle your hands down as you exhale. Flex … Continue reading

Why am I so tired?

I found out I was pregnant and I was a little relieved, after all I’d been exhausted all the time. In fact, part of the reason I found out I was pregnant was because I went to the doctor to find out if I was sick. I’d been so tired and that was so unusual for me. It hit me over night, it seemed. One day I was fine and then over the course of a weekend, I felt run down and almost constantly craving a nap. The Amazing Race Your body is really quite wonderful. During what is called … Continue reading

What is Thai Yoga?

Though I’ve heard it called Thai Yoga, the type of body work I am referring to is also called Traditional Thai Massage or Thailand Medical Massage. Thai Yoga is an ancient art that combines massage, stretching, acupressure, twisting, relaxation, and meditation. It has roots in traditional Yoga and Buddhist spiritual practices. I have been fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of a Traditional Thai Massage, and also got the opportunity to observe some moves recently. Like the idea of qi in acupuncture and acupressure, Thai Yoga believes that the body is filled with Prana, or life energy. Prana … Continue reading

Who Am I And Why Am I Here?

I ask myself that question a lot. But I’m only going to answer it for Here being the Health Blog. The rest, you can figure out for yourself, and if you find an answer, let me know! I’ve spent a good portion of my life struggling with various health problems. At the age of five, we had to give up our family dog Sparky because my brother (age three) and I had developed severe allergies. And not just to dogs. Cats, trees, dust, mold, pollen… if it grows, we were allergic to it. I used to have a horrible … Continue reading