iPod Study Links Usage to Failing Pacemakers

In a study conducted by a medical doctor, a electrophysiologist and a 17-year-old high school student, results revealed that the iPod poses a threat to the functionality of human pacemakers. During the study, 100 patients with implanted pacemakers were placed on heart monitors. iPods were then activated and placed a couple of inches in front of their chests for five to ten seconds. The results of the study are very interesting. In some cases, the iPod caused the pacemaker to think that there were vents in the heart that weren’t actually there. In other cases, the iPod started causing the … Continue reading

Are iPods Bad For Pacemakers?

Who knew a tiny piece of technology could cause so much trouble? A new study presented to a group of heart specialists claims those popular Apple iPods can cause implanted pacemakers to malfunction. If that news doesn’t make your heart skip a beat consider the fact that the report was done by a high school student. Seventeen-year-old Jay Thaker is making headlines around the world with his medical research study that shows the trendy music devices negatively affect a pacemaker’s performance. “We held it (by the heart), tuned it on and off a couple of times with four different iPods,” … Continue reading

Unexpected Health Advice From My New Laptop

My computer went to that great big electronics store in the sky last week, so I ended up buying a new laptop. It’s sleek and shiny and actually the first new computer I’ve owned in a long time. (My last two were hand-me-downs, and served long and well.) Like most electronics, the new laptop came with a manual. Several manuals, in fact. The regular operations one, the quick start guide, a shopping-for-accessories booklet, and something called the “Instruction Manual for Safety and Comfort”. With a title like that, I couldn’t resist taking a peek. Much of it is devoted to … Continue reading

How Serious Is Your Racing Heart?

When I was in college, I had a frightening period of heart palpitations. After lots of tests (including wearing a Holter monitor) we figured out that it was most likely stress related. That didn’t make it any less frightening when my heart was thumping away for no apparent reason. What are heart palpitations? Any irregular or extra heartbeat can be called a palpitation. You may feel a thumping in your chest or a sinking sensation. A person may have them many times throughout the day without even noticing them! Heart palpitations are more easily felt when we lay down — … Continue reading

Traveling With An iPod

I’ve touched on this subject in previous blogs. If you are traveling solo on mass transit, nothing beats having an iPod and a few hundred of your favorite tunes to keep you company. Look around the next time you are on a plane, train or bus and I bet you’ll see more travelers with iPods than without them. Major airlines have picked up on the trend and as I mentioned in a previous blog, they are accommodating their high-tech music fans by installing iPod connections in their in-flight entertainment systems. So chock one up for all the travelers who bring … Continue reading