Can Caffeine Harm You?

I just put up a Green blog about natural energy drinks. My husband is an energy drink junkie, but I’ve never seen the appeal. Plus, if I have too much caffeine, my heart flutters and that’s no fun. But, can energy drinks be harmful to you? The Food and Drug Administration did an investigation into Monster energy drinks after five deaths were believed to be linked to them. The investigation comes on the heels of a lawsuit filed by the mother of a 14-year-old girl who died after drinking two Monster drinks within 24 hours. Her autopsy showed a caffeine … Continue reading

What’s Your Breaking Point?

Yesterday in the check-out line at Target I stood behind a mother and her tweenage son during what could only be described as an extremely tense moment. From what I gathered the son wanted to leave Target and meet his friends at the mall’s food court. Unfortunately for the kid, his mother had other plans for him. Long story short the son began throwing a temper tantrum as we slowly crept closer to the cashier. He started with a barrage of insults. First, loudly accusing his mother of being addicted to cigarettes, caffeine, and her Blackberry, then he tried grabbing … Continue reading

Raise a Mug of Coffee to Your Health

As a coffee lover, I looked for excuses to drink it. However, I never thought that health benefits would become one of those excuses. I have long thought of coffee as a guilty pleasure or that one last thing to give up to attain good health. How could I give up my wake up coffee or my coffee drink to get me through grocery shipping? With so many delicious options from hazelnut to mocha to vanilla lattes, the temptation was far too great! I knew that coffee with be with me forever despite any harm that could come of it. … Continue reading

Have Any of These Foods Ever Made You Feel More Passionate?

From time to time I run across articles or stories about food affecting sex drive. A recent copy of Woman’s World had such an article and suggested eating them would enhance a couple’s sex life. But this article was a little different. It not only told what foods would affect love levels, but it also gave the scientific explanation why. Don’t believe everything you read. The above saying came to mind for some of these. Where applicable, they were noted. The Foods and Their Effects • Hot, spicy foods They release endorphins which can make a person feel more passionate. … Continue reading

Stimulant Drugs: How Much Do You Know?

Drugs have become everyday commodities that parents and teenagers must learn to deal with in effective and responsible ways. As a parent, it is natural to want to protect your child from the influence of drugs, but we can’t be there all the time to watch over our teenagers. And while we can adopt the “just say no!” attitude, it helps if we actually know what we are saying no to. Therefore, this is the first in a series of some of the most common street drugs readily available to our children and each one outlines the common immediate effects … Continue reading

Maintaining Your Weight Loss After Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet

By now you’ve completed the Master Cleanse (also known as Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet or the Lemonade Diet) and completed three days (Day #1) (Day #2) (Day #3) of gently allowing your body to adjust to processing solid foods once again. You should start your fourth day off the cleanse with easily digested foods such as unsweetened fruit juice, vegetable soup (from day two), vegetable salad or fresh fruits. If you’ve spent any time during your fast considering your lifestyle and the foods you used to eat, you’re probably pretty anxious to get started on a healthier lifestyle now. Coming … Continue reading

Foods That Are Good For Your Teeth

The food you eat helps build a strong, healthy body — that includes your teeth! Adding a few simple things to your diet can help your choppers stay strong and healthy. Watch when you eat your carbs. Carbohydrates break down into sugars, which can be converted to plaque in the mouth. Plaque is the primary cause of gum disease and cavities! If you snack on carbs like chips, cookies, and crackers, foods can get caught between teeth and under the gum line, making it easy for bacteria to get to work. If you eat your carbs at mealtimes, you’ll be … Continue reading

Dealing with Drug Addiction in Pregnancy

If you take drugs and are pregnant, the greatest gift you can give your baby is to quit. There are really no safe drugs or no safe amount to take when you are pregnant. It is best for the health of your baby for you to quit. In fact, his life may depend on it. When you discover you are pregnant, you will find that you think of yourself less and your baby more. This makes it easier for some women to quit drugs than at any other time in life. Take advantage of this natural maternal instinct to help … Continue reading

Are You A Caffeine Addict?

Does your family avoid you until you’ve had your first cup of coffee in the morning? Do you have trouble functioning without that morning jolt of caffeine? If you’re worried about your dependence on caffeine, you aren’t alone. Caffeine is quite possibly the most commonly used drug in the world. It alters mood and energy levels and can cause problems for your sleep patterns — and can be very hard to quit! You may not need to give up your beloved caffeine entirely, but there are lots of ways to cut back and still get your brain going in the … Continue reading

Weaning off Caffeine

Consuming a lot of caffeine during pregnancy has been linked to problems such as low birth weight. In addition, babies born to mothers who consume large quantities of caffeine have been found to show symptoms of withdrawal after birth. For these reasons, women are advised to limit their intake of caffeine during pregnancy. Let’s face it; caffeine is a huge part of our culture. Some people drink cup after cup of coffee throughout the work day. These people often suffer withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop drinking coffee cold turkey. Headaches are common when caffeine is totally eliminated from … Continue reading