Spring Boredom Busters

Spring break is right around the corner. For parents, this means finding ways to keep the kids busy and your sanity intact while school is out for an extended period of time. Instead of turning to the TV to occupy your little ones, consider the following spring-themed projects that will keep your kids entertained and your home filled with new decor: Fancy Flower Pots: This project is suitable for kids of all ages. All you need is an inexpensive terra cot pot and some embellishments. Children can paint the pot or decorate it with markers, and then glue on sequins, … Continue reading

What Did I Do to My Back?!

Back pain is a pretty common complaint. But there isn’t just one type of back pain — and there isn’t just one thing that causes the problem. Here are three major causes of back pain. A sprain or strain is the most common cause of back pain. Tendons and ligaments are the stretchy stuff in your body that (among other things) hold the vertebrae of your spine in place and attach muscles to the spinal column. An injury or tear to a tendon, ligament, or muscle can cause some serious pain. Why? If these support pieces are weak or injured, … Continue reading

Back Busters Around the House

Suffering from occasional or chronic back pain? The cause might be something around the house. Housework can be a strain on your back — all that bending and stretching and twisting! Before you start your chores, do a little stretching. Warming up before your workout can help prevent an injury. Be sure you’re lifting from the knees and pushing safely — with your whole body. Step forward and back when vacuuming — don’t just shove it back and forth. Handle extenders can help make reaching high windows and corners safe and easy. Get help. Whether you have the spouse and … Continue reading

Back Busters in the Bedroom

Your bedroom could be a major contributor to your occasional or chronic back pain. Let’s look at your mattress first. We spend about a third of our lives in bed — so you need a mattress that supports your back properly! Are you waking up sore every morning? It’s time for a new mattress. Is your mattress saggy or lumpy? Do you have a mattress that’s more than seven years old? Time to shop around for a new mattress. When you’re shopping, take your time. Lie on the mattress in your usual sleeping position for at least ten minutes to … Continue reading

Frugal Myth Busters

In the course of our frugal lifestyles, there are various bits of advice that may or may not be true. Some of these myths I have busted on my own or through research, while others are still out there bouncing around in my head. Are they true or not? Can you help me out? Following is a list of some common myths. I’ll share the ones that I have busted or proved. But, I could really use your experience, too! Are there any “open” myths on this list that you can tell me about? Are there any other myths out … Continue reading

Preventing Thanksgiving Meltdowns

It can be the best of times. It can be the worst of times. I’m referring to Thanksgiving. Or more specifically Thanksgiving gatherings with extended family… and a heaping helping of dysfunction. I once saw a greeting card that read: “Thanksgiving, bringing out the best in family dysfunction since 1863.” Hey, if you can’t prevent it, you might as well embrace it. In many clans, no Turkey Day celebration would be complete without some family drama. Still, you don’t have to let the feud between Uncle Larry and Cousin Stewart ruin your holiday. Nor should you allow meltdowns by your … Continue reading

Where the Early Bird Saves Money

In my home, we have two different camps. Those of us who are the early birds or morning people, and those of us who can party all night, well, at least stay up way past bedtime. Since I happen to be writing this at 4:30 in the morning, guess which camp I fall into. There is something to be said for early birds. Not only do we get the worm, but we also get the savings. That is because if you can get to things early, you can usually get the best prices in the following areas. The Movie Theater … Continue reading

The Toddler Personality – A Multifacted Gem

Have you ever simply sat back and watched as your toddler interacted with other people? I had several opportunities to do that today, and I really enjoyed it. From the moment that they are born, our children reveal to us a little bit more each day about who they are. Spending time around other people enables your toddler to show you different facets of his personality than he does when he’s at home with you. For example, I took Dylan to story time at our local library this morning. Two of his friends were there too, and they all love … Continue reading

Hurricane Bonding

For millions of families living along the East Coast of the United States, Hurricane Irene is certainly putting a damper on end-of-the-summer plans. Rather than frolicking on the beaches of the Jersey Shore or strolling along the picturesque trails that make up Martha’s Vineyard, parents are desperately trying to preserve their sanity while being holed up with their kids in everything from houses on higher ground to emergency shelters near Ground Zero. If your family has been affected by the major summer storm, then consider it an opportunity to strengthen the parent-child bond. Laugh, sing, tell stories, dance… and when … Continue reading

End of the Summer Fun

Public school kids in our area head back to class on Wednesday. The first day of September seems to be an appropriate time to kick off the new academic year. Meanwhile, my Catholic-schooled daughter has been back in class for more than a week. Honestly, it pains me to drop her off at school each morning when the weather is gorgeous and I see other kids riding their bikes to the park or heading to the pool… but that’s fodder for another blog. If you are looking for ways to make the most of your child’s last days of summer … Continue reading