What Did I Do to My Back?!

Back pain is a pretty common complaint. But there isn’t just one type of back pain — and there isn’t just one thing that causes the problem. Here are three major causes of back pain. A sprain or strain is the most common cause of back pain. Tendons and ligaments are the stretchy stuff in your body that (among other things) hold the vertebrae of your spine in place and attach muscles to the spinal column. An injury or tear to a tendon, ligament, or muscle can cause some serious pain. Why? If these support pieces are weak or injured, … Continue reading

Back Busters in the Bedroom

Your bedroom could be a major contributor to your occasional or chronic back pain. Let’s look at your mattress first. We spend about a third of our lives in bed — so you need a mattress that supports your back properly! Are you waking up sore every morning? It’s time for a new mattress. Is your mattress saggy or lumpy? Do you have a mattress that’s more than seven years old? Time to shop around for a new mattress. When you’re shopping, take your time. Lie on the mattress in your usual sleeping position for at least ten minutes to … Continue reading


Talk about a pain in the rear end… and the lower back, and the backs of the legs! Sciatica is a common problem that can range from mildly irritating to severe and debilitating. It all starts with the sciatic nerve. This nerve runs from your lower back down the back of each leg. Sciatica is a common type of pain affecting the sciatic nerve, a large nerve extending from the lower back down the back of each leg. If you have sciatica, you may experience some or all of the following symptoms: Pain in the lower back/rear end that is … Continue reading

Chiropractic Care

Back pain is all too common. It is one of the most common complaints at doctor’s offices all around the country! Many people turn to a chiropractor for their back problems — but do you really know much about chiropractic care? Humans have been practicing chiropractic healing for thousands of years — at least as far back as ancient Egypt! The oldest school of chiropractic thought believed that out of place bones along the spine (known as subluxations) are to blame for most diseases. This belief was picked up by Daniel David Palmer, who founded the modern practice of chiropractic … Continue reading

Some Cleaning Tools Of The Trade

Tools and tricks are all around you even if you don’t have a single black hat hidden anywhere in your wardrobe. They come as the magician’s tricks come to him, via the art of improvisation. Decide that you and your weapons will be the victor at the Battle at the OK Dust Corral and not Burt Lancaster and whoever else was in that movie. Consider some of the following ideas, that is, if you are not too stuffed with turkey and its trimmings to even care. Dust Removers: Place a paper or plastic bag over the mop head and secure … Continue reading