Beneath Your Eyes

I was watching The Colbert Report the other day, and caught a segment on an FDA-approved mini-laser that is designed to treat wrinkles around the eyes at home. I’m not so sure I like the idea of trying to use a laser anywhere on my own face… let alone around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is very delicate — some say the most fragile skin on the entire body. Lots of things can contribute to wrinkles, dark circles, and other damage to the skin beneath your eyes: Sun exposure. UV rays are a major contributor to the development … Continue reading

Your Skin in Your 50s

Once menopause hits, you can expect your skin to change dramatically. The average age at which a woman reaches menopause is fifty-one… so your fifties is a time for big changes! Some changes you can expect in your skin in your fifties: The cell turnover slowdown that started in the forties continues into the next decade and beyond — the dead skin cells are slower to leave and the new cells are slower to replace them. This can leave skin looking dull and feeling dry. Skin is much dryer, thanks to the body’s hormonal changes and continuing cell turnover slowdown. … Continue reading

Gathering Your Own Fish Food

Really, I’m almost done with fish for a while. For an animal so small, there’s a whole lot to say on the subject! If you want to feed your fish live foods, you have several options. You can buy live food from your local pet store (this can be very expensive). You can raise your own live food. You can also go out and find live food to feed your fish! Collecting fish food can be fun. What you’ll need to collect your own fish food: A fine-mesh net with a long handle. Wading boots if you don’t want your … Continue reading

Fix Those Raccoon Eyes!

Dark circles under the eyes can make you look tired, sick, or just plain bad. There are lots of different things that can cause discoloration underneath the eyes: illness, allergies, tiredness, or plain old heredity. But regardless of the cause, you don’t have to suffer! Here are some things to try to fix those dark circles under your eyes: Having allergy problems? Learn about your allergens (the things you are allergic to) and avoid them. Try an over-the-counter allergy medicine. Can’t figure it out on your own? Talk to your doctor, an allergist, or a dermatologist for help. Don’t rub … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Your Autumn Photographs

I probably enjoy scrapbooking the autumn season far more than I love scrapbooking any other time of year. With the snow and ice all around me, I actually miss the natural colors of fall. The greens and browns, the oranges and reds. They are beautiful to look at, and I absolutely love incorporating them into my layouts. It’s not only challenging but it’s fun and takes me back to those crisp autumn days before the white blanket covered my world. Our leaves in Missouri changed early this year, so I was able to snap many pictures for several weeks of … Continue reading

Movie Review: Gentleman’s Agreement

I love finding correlations to life in all my experiences, be it in overhearing a conversation or watching a movie. Everything can be taken as a lesson, and if we’re willing to look beneath the layers, we learn so much. This was further brought home to me the other night as I sat watching the classic movie “Gentleman’s Agreement” with Gregory Peck and Dorothy McGuire. The premise of the movie in and of itself was thought-provoking: Peck, starring as Skyler Green, is a journalist tasked to write a series on anti-Semitism. He struggles for a time to get the angle … Continue reading

Creating a Photo List for the Delivery Room

Your baby’s birth will be a whirlwind of activity. From the moment she enters the world, time will seem to speed up and she’ll grow up right before your eyes. In the first few days of life, a baby’s appearance changes dramatically. Everything from her skin tone, to the shape of her nose, to the curve of her tiny head, morphs as she recovers and adjusts to her new surroundings. After all, she was crammed in a pretty tight space for nine months; she’s bound to have some serious bedhead, among other things. In all the hustle and bustle, you’ll … Continue reading

Where Do Eye Boogers Come From?

Sleepies. Crusties. Eye boogers. They’re a common (if minor) part of just about everybody’s day. So where do they come from? My parents always told me that the Sandman came around and helped people fall asleep… and the stuff attached to your eyelashes the next morning was extra sand. Thank goodness I never tried to save Sandman sand up for sleepless nights! One official name for eye boogers is rheum. Rheum is the natural discharge of the eye, formed from a combination of mucus, tears, dust, and even skin cells from the eyelids. The eye produces rheum all day… so … Continue reading

The Human Need for Love

Being a single parent you have been out of the “loop”, so to speak, in the world of dating. You have been so busy taking care of your children and trying to bounce back from your past relationship that you have neglected a need within yourself. We all need love, it is a human need. We all need to feel touch, warmth, and caring from another person. Our children are our greatest source of love and fulfillment in the parenting department, but love that comes from the opposite sex in a caring, committed relationship feels so good and fulfills a … Continue reading

Treating a Black Eye

Most of the time, a black eye doesn’t need a whole lot of help. Here are some things you can do to help ease pain and swelling. Apply cold. Use an ice pack for ten minutes every two to four hours — especially if your eye is swollen shut. Cold will help reduce swelling and decrease internal bleeding from damaged blood vessels (this is what causes the colorful bruising). Try putting crushed ice or frozen veggies in a small plastic bag. Tape the bag to your forehead so you don’t put pressure on the injured eye. You can even use … Continue reading