Treating Whiteheads Naturally

Don’t get me wrong — I’m not opposed to medicine in situations where medicine is required. But in looking at my current whitehead expansion, from upper arms to forearms, I don’t think I need to take drastic medical measures. There are plenty of natural remedies for whiteheads that I’ll be trying over the next few weeks. I’ll keep you updated on my progress. Seems like the very best thing you can do for whiteheads (and blackheads) is be consistent with your cleaning. Wash daily with mild soap. Believe it or not, I DO already do this. However, I may switch … Continue reading

Blackheads and Whiteheads

Ugh. When I was younger — I guess around puberty age — my upper arms started to develop a strange rash. According to the doctor and dermatologist, I had whiteheads. And now here I am, fast approaching thirty, and the whiteheads are on the move. They’re spreading from my upper arms onto my forearms. So I figured it was time to do a little research. Acne facts: Acne is the most common skin disease treated by physicians More than 85% of adolescents and young adults have some form of acne Only about one third of people with acne actually talk … Continue reading

Lumpy Bumpy Skin

Nobody’s perfect — and that usually includes your skin. There are a number of different conditions that can make your skin lumpy, bumpy, or discolored. Cysts are closed pockets of tissue that may be filled with fluid or pus. They can appear anywhere, and feel like small lumps under the surface of the skin. Cysts can develop because of an infection, clogged oil glands, or even around foreign bodies like body jewelry. Skin cysts are generally slow growing and painless — and often disappear on their own. Some cysts do need to be drained; others may become infected and need … Continue reading

Pet Chin Acne

A few years ago, I discovered that Lally had a plastic allergy when I saw pet chin acne. She started breaking out in little red bumps all over her muzzle. After ruling out a food allergy, the vet suggested that she might be allergic to the plastic in her bowl. We switched to a ceramic bowl and she hasn’t had any trouble since! Acne is a relatively common skin problem in cats and dogs. The problem can start at any age, and looks a lot like acne in humans — red bumps, often on the chin and lower lip. The … Continue reading

I’m Supposed to be Too Old for Breakouts!

I should count myself lucky, I guess — of all the problems I had in my high school and college years, acne was not really one of them. I would get maybe one zit per month (along with other PMS symptoms) and that was it. As I got older, it tapered off to one pimple every few months. Fast forward to the last few months. The monthly breakout has started to become more regular again. Yay. And this month, the Lone Ranger zit has been replaced by an intrepid trio of ickiness. I hope this isn’t the beginning of a … Continue reading

Deciphering Skin Care Labels

It is important to read the label — on the food you eat AND on the things you put on your body. A lot of products make a lot of claims… but what do they all mean? According to the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association, there are no standard definitions for terms like “hypoallergenic” or “fragrance free”. Each company is allowed to interpret (and use) label terminology as they like. Dermatologist tested generally means that a skin specialist has tested the product. However, the test itself can vary. The dermatologist may have asked employees to try the product. The dermatologist … Continue reading

Rosacea or acne?

I’ve always had problems with acne. It never seemed to matter what I did, I still had break outs. I kept waiting for that “grown-up” stage to hit where acne wouldn’t be a problem for me. I’m still waiting. Recently a skin condition called rosacea has gained more notice and I began to wonder if this was actually the cause of my “adult acne”. So, how does it compare and what can I do about it? Rosacea is an inflammatory response that generally affects the facial skin specifically. It looks a lot like acne, with redness, swelling, bumps and small … Continue reading