Lose Weight, Avoid Breast Cancer?

I have already made up my mind that after the holidays, I am dieting.  Of course, I’ve said that on and off now for the last two years, but next June, I turn 50 and I know it will just get harder and harder to lose weight. Today, I read another incentive to help me take the pounds off.  A recent study by Dr. Paul S. MacLean, associate professor of medicine at the University of Colorado Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, and colleagues hints to the fact that perimenopausal women may be able to lessen their chances of getting breast … Continue reading

Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause

I work at a health science center and a few weeks, they had a nurse conducting a seminar on menopause. I am not in full blown menopause, but experiencing the “joys” of perimenopause. But, I figured I would go to check out the seminar anyhow. What I did was pretty much waste my lunch hour. It might have helped some people there, but nurse mainly talked about hormone replacement therapy. Oh no wait, it’s called hormone therapy now. The study that was done years ago that showed that HRT could cause problems has been revisited by many and there were … Continue reading

Lifestyle and Menopause

I had always heard a woman can judge when menopause will occur based on when her mother went through it. I, however, don’t have that luxury because my mother died before going through menopause. And, I also think I have read that that’s an old wives tale anyhow. So what can we know about menopause and when it will hit us? If a new study is correct, the lifestyle we lead in our early years can dictate when menopause occurs. The study was conducted at the Institute of Cancer Research in the United Kingdom by Dr. Danielle Morris and colleagues. … Continue reading

Menopause and Mental Fog

My best friend and I both turn 49 this year. After discussing our various aches and pains, our phone conversations often turn to “Do you ever feel like you are losing your mind?” We usually discuss how we can see a word in our mind, but can’t say it or we just can’t remember someone’s name that we know we know. We discuss whether we need some type of testing, and then write it off to menopause. As it turns out, we may be right. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago finished up a study recently that shows … Continue reading

Can Menopause Affect You at Work?

As if those of us staring menopause in the face need any more bad news… A recent study may show a connection between menopause, a decline in work, and an increase in sick days. The study was conducted by researchers at the Nij Smellinghe Hospital in Drachten, the Netherlands. Approximately 200 women between the ages of 44 and 60 who either worked at the hospital or a close by home-care organization were included in the study. The study tested something called “work ability.” That is, how one’s job demands correlate with her abilities and how that may predict her job … Continue reading

Queen Beatrix Announced Abdication

Royal families have been in the news the last few years.  Two years ago, Prince William married Kate Middleton.  Last year, Queen Elizabeth celebrated her Diamond Jubilee.  That’s celebrating sixty years on the throne for us Yanks.  And this year, there was the joyous news of a new royal baby. Now, there is a bit of royal news coming out of the Netherlands.  Queen Beatrix announced her retirement this week.  Unlike England’s Queen Elizabeth, who is still going strong at 86, Queen Beatrix is a youthful 75, but announced that she would abdicate her thrown on April 30th, Queen’s Day. … Continue reading

Medical Residents Need More Sleep!

I work at a health science center and deal directly with medical residents.  I update web pages for them and when I meet with them face-to-face, they are usually bright and alert.  But, it may not be the case of the majority of residents. I know from updating some of our web pages that there are rules in place to make sure residents get enough time off to rest.  I mean, they are only human, right?  Well, some seem to be superhuman, or at least think they are and that may be a problem. In 2003, the Accreditation Council for … Continue reading

U.S. Preventative Services Task’s Opinion on Hormone Therapy

Well, now I am just confused! I mentioned that I went to a menopause seminar here at the health science center where I worked. It was conducted by a nurse who was very pro-hormone therapy. Even years ago, I remember hearing bad stuff about hormone therapy (HT) (or as they used to call it hormone replacement therapy). A fifteen-year study called the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) began in 1991. It looked at 160,000 post-menopausal women using HT. What they found was that HT didn’t exactly do what they had hoped (prevent chronic illnesses such as heart disease) and it also … Continue reading

Soy and Hot Flashes

If you have suffered from hot flashes, you know you would give almost anything for a cure. Some say soy is the answer while others say no. I know when I first started experiencing hot flashes, I tried soy milk. Actually, it didn’t taste that bad, but then the hot flashes subsided a bit and I quit drinking it. But, did it work? One study at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine said that soy isoflavone supplements didn’t work. Researchers spent $3 million and two years following women ages 45 to 60 within five years of menopause. The … Continue reading


It’s an embarrassing thing to talk about, but if you have occasional or ongoing trouble controlling your bladder, you’re not alone. There are different types of incontinence, including: Stress incontinence: when pressure on the bladder — like from a sneeze, or laughing — makes you leak a little. This type is common in women, especially those who have had children. Urge incontinence: when spasms in the bladder create the urge to piddle. Overflow incontinence: when the bladder fills up without signaling a need to use the bathroom. Mixed incontinence: when a combination of factors are at play. So what causes … Continue reading