Caring for the Elderly: Advanced Memory Loss

Two years can seem like a very long time, or a very short time. I moved in with my grandmother in March 2004 and have since become one of her primary caretakers. Lately, my grandmother’s memory problems seem to have accelerated. Within the last few months, it seems, she’s gone from mostly capable to much closer to incapable. She’s forgotten where the silverware is (it’s been in the same drawer for as long as I can remember, which is close to thirty years). She’s forgotten where the dishes are kept. She brings the mail in, then turns around and checks … Continue reading

GULP! I’m a Caregiver!

Last month I knew there were going to be big changes to my marriage when my mom’s illness forced me to fly home and we made the decision to move her back with me. But it’s only recently that it dawned on me: GULP! I’m a caregiver! Big Responsibility When I was in Denver and taking her to and from doctor’s appointments, I was helping her out. That’s how it seemed. I knew I was caring for her on some level, but it was different somehow. I guess because it felt more like I was doing a favor than being … Continue reading

Alzheimer’s Disease: Pet Fixations

My grandmother has Alzheimer’s disease. The first signs of it appeared four or five years ago, while I was living in Vermont. When I moved back home, I moved in with my grandmother because she had space for me and my two dogs. As her mental function began to diminish, she started to get fixated on the dogs. They were her constant companions, and her constant worry. Had they been fed? Were they hungry? Did they need to go out? Did they need to come in? Where were they? Was it time for them to have a snack? (This is … Continue reading

Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is divided into stages in order to help people understand how the disease might unfold in a loved one. However, not everyone experiences the same symptoms at the same rate! On average, a person with Alzheimer’s disease passes away within four to six years of diagnosis. Some people live on for as long as twenty more years after a diagnosis. In general, Alzheimer’s disease is divided into mild, moderate, and severe stages. Experts have developed a more detailed list, even including pre-Alzheimer’s mental states: Stage 1: No impairment. A person experiences no memory problems that are evident to … Continue reading

Angry and Helpless as My Mom Loses It

As I wrote in a recent article, my mom is beginning to battle Old Timer’s (a.k.a. Dementia or Alzheimer’s) like her mother did, which makes me angry. But I’m not angry at the disease. I’m angry about a lot of other things. Angry at Losing Her Now As I commented on one of Aimee’s articles about this issue I had to stand by and lose my grandma to this disease before she actually passed. Now it’s happening with my mom. I’m angry about that. Angry at My Mom I’m angry at my mom because she refuses to take steps to … Continue reading

Here We Go Again…Another Woman in My Family Battles Old-Timer’s

Aimee’s Watching a Loved One Lose Time article really struck a chord with me. In addition to leaving a comment on her article, I also PM’d her to tell her how much it hit home and why. She encouraged me to share my story here, so…I took her up on it. My Grandma My grandma started showing signs of Old Timer’s (a.k.a. Dementia or Alzheimer’s) in 1992. Unlike Aimee did with her grandma, I never lived with mine but I did help with her care as best as I could. You see, at that time I was still going to … Continue reading

My Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

This past year has been full of big changes for me. The biggest one was my cross-country move. I am no longer one of the primary caretakers for my grandmother — the only person I have to take care of is myself. Well, myself and the dogs. But now that it’s just me, I have to confess that I’ve gotten somewhat lazy when it comes to my own care. Here are the things I’d like to do in 2008 for better health: Walk more. Yes, I walk the dogs at least four times each day, but it’s not the same … Continue reading

Lower Dementia Risk With the Right Diet

French researchers have been studying diet choices in people aged sixty-five and over. The result? Certain foods can help cut your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers from the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research tracked the diets of more than eight thousand people over the age of sixty-five for four years. Out of that group, 183 developed Alzheimer’s disease and another 98 developed a different form of dementia. Here are some of the study results: People who ate a diet full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids were sixty percent less likely to develop dementia than people … Continue reading

How Old Lady Jail Is Helping My Grandmother

This spring, we finally got an official diagnosis for my grandmother’s memory problems: Alzheimer’s disease. The doctor started her on Aricept and encouraged the family to find a Senior Care Center for social stimulation. My grandmother was not happy about this development. She called it the “looney bin” and “old lady jail” and put her foot down: she was not going to go. We coaxed and cajoled; we blamed it on the doctor. Finally, we put our collective feet down. The staff gave us a copy of the schedule, and we tried to get my grandmother excited about upcoming events: … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Vitamin B6?

There are a lot of different vitamins and minerals listed on that multivitamin label — but do you know what each one does for your body? Vitamin B6 is found in three substances: pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, and pyridoxal. So what does this vitamin do for your body? Prevent heart disease — without pyridoxine, compounds in the blood can damage blood vessels. Pyridoxine also can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Relieve PMS — vitamin B6 can help reduce bloating, breast tenderness, and premenstrual acne. Reduce sensitivity to MSG — pyridoxine can relieve symptoms like headache, pain, nausea, and vomiting. Reduce … Continue reading