Cheers To National Drinking Water Week!

It’s that time of year again. Time to raise our glasses and offer a toast to the wonders of tap water. At least that’s what the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wants you to do this week. (Okay, so I should have posted this blog on Monday, but, hey, there are still a couple days left to get in on the festivities.) Whether you realized it or not, this week is National Drinking Water Week, a time when water suppliers join with us (water consuming individuals) to recognize the vital role water plays in … Continue reading

Preventing Kidney Stones

Kidney stones can be painful — but there are some things you can do to prevent them. Small diet changes can make a big difference in your body’s development of kidney stones. Drink more water! Six to eight glasses of water every day can help dilute urine. When urine becomes too concentrated, minerals like calcium, phosphate, and oxalate can crystallize, forming stones. The pain comes when the stones pass from the kidneys. Diluting the urine can help prevent the crystallization in the first place. Good old water is best, but you can also drink fruit juices or drinks from mix. … Continue reading

Raise Energy Levels With The Right Foods

You think you are eating right — but your energy levels are in the basement. Here are some tips to help you pick the right foods to keep your body running all day long! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But watch what you eat! Sugary foods (even yogurt) can lead to an energy nosedive after an hour or so. Try to get a mix of protein and fiber (especially from whole grains) for energy that lasts. Keep your sugar content low if you can. Speaking of sugar — that dried fruit is full of it. Fresh, … Continue reading

Driving the Healthy Highway

Sitting in the car all day can cut your usual daily calorie burn by as much as four hundred calories! If you’ve got a family road trip planned, use these tips to keep the highway a little healthier. Adjust your calorie intake accordingly. You’ll burn four hundred calories less sitting in the car all day, so you should be eating four hundred calories less, too! Stock up on drinks. That recirculated air (or open windows) can dry you out and make you thirsty. If you’ve got bottled water and other healthy drinks handy, you won’t be tempted to stop at … Continue reading

Good For You, Good For The Earth

Want an extra feel-good boost for your workout? You can make choices that are beneficial for your community and the entire world! Do you know how many plastic water bottles get thrown out every day? Eighty million. That’s a LOT of water bottles — I have a hard time imagining eight hundred or eight thousand bottles… let alone 80 million! Rather than tossing your water bottle, stick it into a recycling bin. Better yet, reuse it yourself! You’ll save money and keep the bottles out of the trash. Skip the plastic water bottles entirely and switch to a refillable aluminum … Continue reading