Chicken Pox

I read a strange bit of news over the weekend. It seems that people want their children to get chicken pox instead of the vaccination so they are having pox parties and mailing virus laden lollipops and such to other who cannot get their children to a pox party. I think that is a little strange. I can understand wanting your child to get chicken pox, to a point. When Hailey was four her pediatrician wanted to vaccinate her against chicken pox. The vaccine was fairly new at the time and I was unsure of it so I asked if … Continue reading

Chickenpox Vaccine

Raise your hand if you’ve had chickenpox. I sort of had it twice — my father had it when I was a baby, and my parents tell me I had the rash on my rump. I had it again a few years later, and suffered through the itching by getting painted with calamine lotion. Chickenpox (varicella) is a very common childhood disease; it seems to get harder to deal with as the patient gets older. The disease is most dangerous to infants and adults — as many as 100 people die because of chickenpox here in the U.S. Around twelve … Continue reading

Your Child’s Been Invited To A Pox Party!

What’s the latest trend in parties for kids? Pox parties! Pox parties are cropping up around the country, no it has nothing to do with music or the latest fad, instead they center on a common childhood illness chicken pox. Many parents are concerned about the chicken pox immunization and the possible risks associated with the vaccine. They are also aware that children do need to get the disease because chicken pox as an adult is usually associated with complications. The solution – pox parties! Parents who want their child exposed to the chicken pox virus join an email ring. … Continue reading

Supersuits for Dogs with Severe Allergies

Look! Out on the sidewalk! It’s a bird… It’s a plane… No, it’s a dog in a spandex bodysuit. This isn’t a Halloween costume in the making — it is an actual treatment to relieve itching in dogs with severe allergies. I recently read about the K9 Top Coat — a spandex suit that might be able to help pets who suffer from severe allergies. Many pets who have severe allergy problems end up on a lifetime of steroids that can stop the itching but in the long term is bad for your pet’s health. The K9 Top Coat is … Continue reading