Chiropractic Care: What to Expect

My brother has been going to the chiropractor for years. I had the opportunity to accompany him, and watched his adjustment. From an outsider’s perspective, it looked uncomfortable, even sometimes painful. I was pretty sure that a chiropractic treatment was not something I was interested in. Fast forward a few years — I was working at a radio station and we were doing a fundraiser for a local charity. A chiropractor stopped by with a sizable donation and offered free adjustments to the on air staff. The morning show hosts took a turn, and then the doctor turned to me. … Continue reading

Trips to the Doctor’s Office

I don’t really like taking the kids with me when I have a doctor’s appointment—it’s so much more hassle in some ways—but I have to admit, when they’re with me, I do have my fair share of giggles. Today it was my six-year-old who provided the entertainment. We were at the chiropractor’s office and the assistant was putting the electrical stimulation pads on my neck and shoulders. My son walked up to her and initiated a conversation like only he can. “Did you know there are red blood cells and white blood cells?” She acted suitably impressed. “There are?” “Yes,” … Continue reading

Treat Migraines with a Visit to the Chiropractor?

Modern science has a lot of different ideas about what causes migraines. One recent study looked at the relationship between migraines, vision loss, and blood vessels. Another popular theory is that migraines result from a chemical imbalance in the brain and can be set off by a “trigger” — like a particular food or hormone. Some chiropractors believe that there are types of migraine that develop as a result of a subluxation — a misalignment of the vertebrae in the spine. A subluxation can irritate and inflame the nerves that travel to the brain, making a person more prone to … Continue reading