Your Skin in Your 60s

It entirely possible to have beautiful skin throughout your life! As you move into your sixties, you have to deal with skin issues that started in earlier decades plus new problems that can crop up. Skin issues you may encounter as you move into your sixties: Dryness. Your skin has a hard time retaining moisture and natural oil production slows down. Dullness. Cell turnover continues to slow — a process that started in your forties. Dark spots. Between the lack of oil, the loss of collagen and elastin, and the dryness, dark spots can really start to stand out. Bone … Continue reading

Post-Sun Remedies for Skin and Hair

A day in the sun doesn’t have to end in sunburn… but sometimes it does. Even if you don’t come home as red as a lobster, you may still feel sticky, grimy, hot, and tired. Some of these post-sun remedies can help refresh your skin and hair after a day at the beach, pool, or park. Aloe vera — my favorite post-sun remedy. It feels cool going on and relieves some of the heat. Aloe has a long history of being a healing plant — you’ll find lots of products that contain aloe on the shelves these days. Personally, I … Continue reading

Choosing Herbs For Your Skin Type

Don’t know your skin type? I’ve mentioned a quick and easy skin test: wash your face and pat dry. Wait five or ten minutes, then apply a thin piece of paper to your cheeks and forehead. Tissue paper is great for this! If the paper stays perfectly clean and dry, chances are you have dry skin. If the paper has dark oily spots, you may have oily or combination skin. Healthy skin will leave faint oil spots on the paper, because your skin is supposed to have some oil — just not a lot. If you have oily skin, you … Continue reading