Coping With Cancer Related Fatigue

Cancer — and cancer treatments — leave some people with a condition known as cancer related fatigue (CRF). Cancer related fatigue is different from everyday tiredness. The main symptom of cancer related fatigue is an overwhelming feeling of tiredness. Even the simplest activities (like shopping or eating) can be exhausting. Other symptoms that are common in people who are being treated for cancer whether or not they experience CRF include: Sleep difficulties. Stress. Loss of appetite. Low blood counts. So what can you do to pick up your energy levels? Here are some tips to help you cope with cancer … Continue reading

Treatments Over Now What?

When you have finished your cancer treatment plan what do you do? Treatment plans vary person to person but there are things that are the same for everyone, there is always a start and a stop to the treatment. When you are done with the treatments the effects of the treatments and the cancer diagnosis just don’t stop. You will have decreased energy for quite a while. You will slowly start feeling back to normal but it does take a while. Do not think that you will wake up after the treatments are done and all of a sudden be … Continue reading

Tropical Periwinkle

Have you heard of tropical periwinkle? If you’re looking for home remedies, look elsewhere. This plant is too strong for home or amateur use, but has great promise as a medicinal plant in professional hands. Eli Lilly and Company came across tropical periwinkle in a survey of plants popular in folk remedies. Extracts from tropical periwinkle leaves were able to prolong the lives of lab mice with leukemia! The extracts were used to develop two cancer-fighting drugs: vinblastine sulfate (Velban) and vincristine sulfate (Oncovin). Vinblastine sulfate is used to treat certain types of skin and lymph cancer. Vincristine sulfate is … Continue reading