Foot Care for Diabetics

My father is a diabetic and if I don’t quit eating like I am and start exercising, I am headed in that direction. Since both my grandmothers were also diabetics, I probably know more about diabetes than the average person. One thing I learned from my grandmothers is that diabetics need to take good care of their feet. Why the focus on foot care? Well, if you don’t take good care of your feet, it can lead to amputation of toes, feet, or even your leg. Diabetics are more likely to have foot problems because of reduced blood flow to … Continue reading

Spring Beauty Tips: Hands and Nails

Spring is the season of rebirth… of rejuvenation. Don’t forget your hands! Over the winter, your skin may have gotten rough and dry thanks to forced-air heat. It’s time to renew your hands and nails. Want a good idea of someone’s age? Look at their hands. Hands are often a truer judge of age than any other part of the body. You can keep your hands looking healthy and young with these tips: Keep moisturizer handy — all year round. Apply lotion after you wash your hands to help lock in moisture. Pick a hand cream that includes sunscreen. A … Continue reading

Cuticle Care Tips

Okay, nail biters… I’m mostly back on the wagon. I’m giving that whole “stop biting your nails” thing another try! One problem I have is this: when I stop biting my nails, I tend to attack my cuticles instead. So to be completely honest, I’m only redirecting the chewing behavior, not stopping it. At the moment, I’ve got eight “good” nails, two slightly nibbled nails, and two hands full of sad looking cuticles. Cuticles are dead skin that overlaps the exposed portion of your fingernail — the nail plate. The cuticle makes a seal between your skin and your fingernail … Continue reading

Fingernail Mistakes Quiz

Are you good to your nails? Ask yourself these four questions: Do you file your nails using a back and forth motion? Do you use an acetone based nail polish remover? Do you cut your cuticles? Do you use nail polish that you purchased before 2007? If you answered YES to any of these questions, you’re making a fingernail mistake. Read on to see what you can do to protect your nails: Filing your nails using a back and forth motion actually weakens nails and can cause them to split. Use a soft emery board and file in one direction … Continue reading