Dealing With Driving Pains

Within the next month or so, I plan to be taking a cross-country drive. I’m relocating from east coast U.S.A. to west coast U.S.A. with my two dogs, Moose and Lally, and after considering all the options, we’re going to be doing it by car. In theory, I’ll leave New Jersey on a Monday and be in Oregon by Friday. According to the AAA website, the journey will take me a little over 42 hours. Splitting it up over five days gives me a little more than eight hours of driving time each day. Yikes! Driving is gonna be my … Continue reading

Night Blindness

How’s your night vision? I don’t think mine is the worst out there, but I don’t think it’s great, either. It does take your retina a moment or two to adjust to differences in light when going from bright to dark or vice versa. Some people do tend to have more trouble with night vision than others. People who are nearsighted, for example, can be slower to adapt to seeing in the dark. So what can you do if you’re worried about your night vision? Check your own night vision first — you don’t need the doctor for this one. … Continue reading

Stay Awake (and Alive) on the Road

It’s a holiday weekend here in the United States — and lots of people are taking an end-of-summer trip. The roads were extra crowded yesterday and this morning as people headed out of town for summer’s last hurrah. One danger of road trips is getting sleepy when you’re behind the wheel. And it isn’t just vacationers who are at risk! Folks who work third shift, people who drive long distances every day, and people who don’t get enough sleep are at risk for heavy eyelids while on the road. Here are some things you can do to help stay awake … Continue reading

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis?

If you’ve ever traveled by air, you’ve probably heard about deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep in the body. DVT most often appears in the thigh or lower leg, but can appear in other parts of the body. First things first: what is a blood clot? When the blood thickens and clumps together, that is a blood clot. Blood clots can form in any vein, but those that form in veins near the skin’s surface are generally not dangerous. A blood clot that occurs in a deep vein can … Continue reading

Restless Legs Syndrome: Overview

As many as twelve million Americans may suffer from restless legs syndrome (RLS). This neurological disorder causes unpleasant creeping, crawling, burning, pulling, or itching sensations that make it difficult to relax or rest. These sensations can make it almost impossible to stay still. Restless legs syndrome can be difficult to diagnose; some experts believe that RLS is underdiagnosed and may affect more than twelve million people in the United States. Why? Because some people with mild symptoms may not seek medical assistance. Some doctors misdiagnose the problem as nervousness, stress, insomnia, muscle cramps, or arthritis. Common symptoms of RLS include: … Continue reading

Eight Quick Fixes For Body Aches

Use ice to ease the ache. Keep a paper cup of ice in the freezer and just peel it away for instant relief. Apply the ice for five minutes, then give yourself five minutes to warm up a bit. Give yourself time to heal. If you’re a believer in “no pain, no gain” it is time to change the way you think! Gentle exercise is okay; pushing yourself to the point of severe pain is not. But getting the blood flowing will help promote healing. Sore muscles from that workout? Eat tart (not sweet!) cherries or drink tart cherry juice. … Continue reading