Ask a Health Blogger: Weak Leg

I was out walking yesterday, and my leg started to feel weird. Kind of achy, kind of weak, kind of tingly. It continued to bother me for the rest of the day. Whether standing or sitting, I still had that weird pain and numbness. What do you think this is? Should I call my doctor? Thanks for your question! I’m not a doctor, so please don’t take my word as law. But I did run your symptoms through the WebMD online symptom checker and one of the possibilities it came up with was a pinched nerve. A pinched nerve is … Continue reading

Health: Foot Orthotics? What Are Those?

If you are plagued by troubles with your feet then you, undoubtedly, know what foot orthotics are. For those of you who are fortunate enough to have pretty, little, pain-free feet now, you just might need to be aware of what orthotics are for in the future. Foot orthotics are custom-made inserts that fit inside your shoes to realign your foot the way that it was supposed to be in the first place. These custom-made foot orthotics are expensive, but worth it. You can purchase inserts that are prefabricated for much less money. However, they will not fit you just … Continue reading

Athlete’s Foot… or Not?

Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus that likes warm, moist territory — like the conditions found in a lot of shoes. But not all itchy, red, rashy feet are suffering from athlete’s foot. There are other conditions that may look or feel like the real thing… but aren’t. Eczema can cause an identical rash on both feet. If your case of athlete’s foot looks exactly the same on your left and right feet, it may be eczema instead. Allergies can also cause an identical rash on both feet. You may be allergic to something in your shoes or socks! … Continue reading

Walking Barefoot is Good for Your Feet!

I love to be barefoot. As soon as I walk in the door, I take off my shoes — it’s a good way to keep contaminants out of the house, but I just do it because I’m more comfortable barefoot! Walking barefoot can actually be good for you. Wearing shoes can make your foot muscles weak; going barefoot can stretch and exercise your toes and arches. Walking barefoot also helps improve balance! (I do find that I have better balance without shoes — I once climbed some rocks at a lake and was surprised at how much easier it was … Continue reading

Dealing With Foot Pain

Walking is one of the greatest forms of exercise — but if your feet hurt, you probably don’t want to do much walking! Here are some stretches that can help prevent and relieve foot pain, whether you’re on your feet all day or not. Stretch your toes quickly and easily: sit in a chair with your right leg crossed over your left thigh. Lace your fingers through your toes as if you were holding hands with your foot. Squeeze your fingers (and toes) together for a ten second count, then stretch your fingers (and toes) apart for a ten second … Continue reading

Dealing with Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatic nerve pain is one of the more uncomfortable side effects of pregnancy. The pain is easy to identify. Sciatic nerve pain is a severe, shooting pain that is felt from the top of the thigh down throughout the leg. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body. The nerve provides the sense of feeling to the back of the legs and soles of the feet. When the pain is felt, it generally starts at the top of the leg and moves down to the foot. During pregnancy, the sciatic nerve goes under the uterus and to the … Continue reading

Dealing With Driving Pains

Within the next month or so, I plan to be taking a cross-country drive. I’m relocating from east coast U.S.A. to west coast U.S.A. with my two dogs, Moose and Lally, and after considering all the options, we’re going to be doing it by car. In theory, I’ll leave New Jersey on a Monday and be in Oregon by Friday. According to the AAA website, the journey will take me a little over 42 hours. Splitting it up over five days gives me a little more than eight hours of driving time each day. Yikes! Driving is gonna be my … Continue reading

5 Spring Fitness Tips

It is not officially spring yet, but depending on where you live it is definitely in the air in some places. But even if you are still dealing with the last remnants of winter, its time to start thinking about the warmer months soon coming. Following are 5 spring fitness tips to get you started. The first tip is to invest in some good footwear. Don’t skimp on quality just to save a few bucks. You could end up injuring yourself if you don’t wear the right kind of footwear. You can find virtually every category of footwear available, from … Continue reading

Goodbye, Favorite Shoes! Hello… Happy Feet?

I put my favorite pair of sneakers in the trash today. Now I’m sad. They were New Balance slip-on sneakers — no laces to tie when I was running late, just slip my feet in and keep moving. Perfect for wearing to my part time job at the cats-only boarding facility, because they were so easy to put on and take off (we change into scrubs when we get to work and change back when the shift is over — another place where not having to tie shoes is SO handy). But after more than a year of being my … Continue reading

Help for Heel Spurs

Getting out of bed one morning you plant your feet on the floor and begin to take a step. Pain shoots through your foot and you realize that you have a problem. This pain could be due to a calcaneal spur, better known as a heel spur. The inflamed area around the tendons where your heel bone meets is likely the culprit. This calcaneal spur is caused by calcium growth from the bone into the foot and it is painful. The calcium growth develops due anatomical changes of stress on the bone of the heel. This, in turn, causes a … Continue reading