Reading Beauty Labels: What is Paraben?

I’ve been reading labels again. I’m always curious about what goes into the products I love, like lotion, fancy bubble bath, and other bath and beauty stuff. Part of that is because I like to try making home versions of expensive bath products… but the other part is that I like knowing what’s going in or on my body. Paraben is one ingredient I’ve heard concerns about — and in response, seen a lot of “paraben-free” items appear on the shelves. So what is paraben, anyway? The different types of paraben (including proplyparaben, ethylparaben, and butylparaben) are chemical compounds that … Continue reading

Reading Beauty Labels: What is Glycerin?

I’m a reader; always have been, always will be. You put something with words on it in front of me and I’ll end up reading it. I was reading the ingredients on a bottle of lotion (usually I’m looking to see what kind of fragrance it has — natural or synthetic) when I noticed that the second ingredient was glycerin. I’ve you’ve tried making your own soap at home, you may already be familiar with glycerin (or glycerol). It’s popular in soap because it acts as a humectant — it attracts moisture to the skin. Check your labels — glycerin … Continue reading

Skin Care Myths: More is Better

In the case of skin care products, you CAN have too much of a good thing. It’s time to bust a few myths about how much product you need! Myth #1: If you layer on more SPF products, you’ll have more protection. Alas, no. Sun protection isn’t cumulative. Your total protection is only as high as the highest SPF product you’ve used. So if you have an SPF 30 sunscreen and an SPF 15 moisturizer, you’re still only getting the protection of SPF 30. Myth #2: Blobbing on more of a product will make it work even faster. Actually, using … Continue reading

Deciphering Skin Care Labels

It is important to read the label — on the food you eat AND on the things you put on your body. A lot of products make a lot of claims… but what do they all mean? According to the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association, there are no standard definitions for terms like “hypoallergenic” or “fragrance free”. Each company is allowed to interpret (and use) label terminology as they like. Dermatologist tested generally means that a skin specialist has tested the product. However, the test itself can vary. The dermatologist may have asked employees to try the product. The dermatologist … Continue reading

Get a Free Sample of Eucerin Lotion

What does it mean to take care of your health? This might make you think about eating fresh, healthy, vegetables, or getting more exercise. It might mean quitting smoking, or switching to decaf. It is also important to take good care of your skin. Eucerin can help you protect your skin, with a free sample of their lotion. Your skin requires a lot of protection. Most people are aware that it is a good idea to use sunscreen if you are going to be spending several hours out in the sun. Some would recommend a certain amount of sunscreen be … Continue reading

Beneath Your Eyes

I was watching The Colbert Report the other day, and caught a segment on an FDA-approved mini-laser that is designed to treat wrinkles around the eyes at home. I’m not so sure I like the idea of trying to use a laser anywhere on my own face… let alone around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is very delicate — some say the most fragile skin on the entire body. Lots of things can contribute to wrinkles, dark circles, and other damage to the skin beneath your eyes: Sun exposure. UV rays are a major contributor to the development … Continue reading

Winter Itch

If you have dry, itchy skin during the colder months, you’re not alone. Winter itch is a relatively common complaint during the winter. Symptoms of winter itch can include: Itching (“winter itch” isn’t just a clever name) Dryness Flakiness Why is winter such a problem for your skin? This is usually the season for low humidity and low temperatures. The former is a problem because when there’s less moisture in the air, there’s less moisture for your skin to absorb. The latter is a problem because we tend to use the heat when it’s cold. That can suck even more … Continue reading