Dealing with Occasional Dizziness

There are different types of dizziness — some that require a doctor’s attention. But if you experience occasional, mild bouts of dizziness, you probably don’t have to worry too much. Here are some tips to help you overcome occasional bouts of mild dizziness. Focus on a fixed point. If a sudden bout of dizziness comes on, find something still to look at. This will give your brain visual information about balance — that window frame or bookshelf isn’t moving so maybe the floor ISN’T off-kilter. If dizziness attacks in a moving vehicle, try to find a steady point on the … Continue reading

Different Types of Dizziness

Feeling lightheaded? Woozy? A little dizzy? You’re not alone. Dizziness is one of the most common complaints general practitioners hear! Many different things can cause dizziness, which is why medical professionals distinguish between different types of dizziness. Vertigo: a spinning sensation. Disequilibrium: the feeling of being off-balance. Dizziness: can include light-headedness, vertigo, and disequilibrium. The spinning sensation of vertigo usually indicates an inner ear problem. The problem can be caused by any number of things, including head injury, virus, or problems with inner ear fluid. When things aren’t quite right in the inner ear, your brain gets incorrect messages about … Continue reading

Hugo Elite Rolling Walker

As our parents age walking may become difficult for them. This occurs due to arthritis, unsteadiness, episodes of dizziness, generalized fatigue and weakness, as well as other health problems that are common among senior citizens. It is not at all uncommon for their gait to suffer as a result of this. These factors bring them the increased risks of falls possibly leading to fractures. Very often they will deny these observations that are seen by their families and friends. It may be difficult to convince them that a walker would be beneficial to them during these moments. The Hugo Elite … Continue reading

HPV Vaccine Legislation in the United States

The HPV vaccine for young women has been a subject of debate and legislation around the United States over the last few years. First, some background: in 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Gardasil, a vaccine that protects against four different types of human papillomavirus (two that cause cervical cancer and two that cause genital warts). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that the vaccine be given to all eleven and twelve year old girls. Since then, different states have taken different approaches to the vaccine. In 2007, the state of Virginia and the District … Continue reading

What Causes Clumsiness?

Lately, I feel like I’m a lot clumsier than usual. Case in point: two nights in a row, I’ve spilled my lemonade — once on the couch, once in the office. Yesterday, I really raised the clumsiness bar by spilling a bowl of handmade glass ornaments and then stepping on them. Really graceful! (Thankfully, only the ornaments were hurt in that little adventure.) It got me wondering: what causes clumsiness? To answer that, it doesn’t hurt to look at the opposite side: coordination. Driving this wonderful machine called the body takes motor skills and sensory input (to put it REALLY … Continue reading

Checking in with Your Pulse

Do you check your pulse? It’s not something I do very often… but it may actually be a useful way to keep an eye out for heart disease! Your pulse is your heart rate — how many times your heart beats in a minute. Everyone’s heart rate is different, but the average pulse at rest for children (between six and fifteen) is 70-100 beats per minute. The average pulse for adults (ages eighteen and up) is 60-100 beats per minute. (Information provided by the Cleveland Clinic.) When you exercise, your pulse increases — this is so your body can provide … Continue reading

Cholesterol Lowering Medications

A healthy diet, regular exercise, and cholesterol lowering medications can help reduce a person’s risk of heart attack or stroke. There are several different types of medicine used to lower cholesterol levels. Statins slow down your body’s cholesterol production. They can also help remove cholesterol buildup in your blood vessels. Some common statins are Lipitor, Pravachol, and Zocor. Resins help lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. Some common resins are Prevalite, Welchol, and Colestid. Fibrates lower cholesterol by reducing the amount of triglycerides (fats) in the body and increasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels. Some common fibrates are Antara and Lopid. … Continue reading

Chronic Headaches Linked to Depression

A recently published study from the University of Toledo has found that women who suffer from chronic headaches are at a greater risk for depression. Approximately eighteen million women in America suffer from headaches. The University of Toledo-Health Science Campus study had more than a thousand participants from five states who visited headache clinics for treatment. More than half the women in the study (593) reported less than fifteen headaches per month; this is classified as “episodic” headaches. The rest of the participants (439) reported more than fifteen headaches in a month. More than fifteen headaches each month is classified … Continue reading