The Kids Are Stressed

My husband and I were sitting around today thinking of all the things that have gone wrong in our lives since we have been married. Now I am not talking about us adopting the three wonderful kids that we have I am strictly talking medical. First my husband got diagnosed with testicular cancer and then the next year I had to have emergency appendectomy and then got diagnosed with breast cancer. Since that I have had 23 surgeries for reconstruction and problems related to it. I had to have my gallbladder removed. My husband is now in the hospital for … Continue reading

Home Based Business and Stress

Those of us that are lucky enough to be home-based professionals get many wonderful things from our work. Unfortunately, we can also get stressed. Many home-based professionals are entrepreneurs, and this adds its own additional responsibilities and stresses. Sometimes it is easy to sail along, getting work done on time and getting paid according to schedule. There are other times, though, when things pile up all at once or they do not go as we had planned. When this happens, we do not have the luxury of being able to pass the problems off to someone else. The invoices that … Continue reading

Different Types of Work

Just tonight, as I was leaving my office to head home for the night, I ran into one of the students taking the course I’ve been working with during this semester. He, like many students at the midpoint of the semester, was feeling the stress of getting everything done. Impending midterm exams, projects, and presentations made the extra work he perceived I had added to the course caused additional problems in his life. He’s only half right. While I’m certainly adding work for the students my presence has also taken away a certain type of work. This small conversation got … Continue reading

Stress Free Potty Training

Today was a luncheon presentation with my moms’ group. The presentation topic was Stress-Free Potty Training: A Commonsense Guide to Finding the Right Approach for Your Child. The speaker was Peter L. Stavinoha Ph.D, co-author of the book. Grandma is visiting so she was able to go to the luncheon with us. Grandma, Jessie, new Baby E, and I sat together with another mom. Mom had the fish and I got the cheeseburger. At previous luncheons I got a kid’s meal for Jessie, but she wouldn’t eat it. I shared my burger with her today and was impressed with how … Continue reading

Moms-to-Be: Work Stress Can Be Harmful to Your Baby

A Dutch study published in the American Journal of Public Health took a look at work stress in the first trimester of pregnancy — and the impact it can have on an unborn child. More than eight thousand pregnant women participated in a survey focused on employment and working conditions — they were asked about the number of hours worked per week and their stress levels (among other things). More that seven thousand women continued in the study, and were in contact with researchers again after giving birth to report the weight of the newborns. The results? Women who worked … Continue reading

Stress and Anxiety Dreams

The brain is a wonderful, funny organ. It does so much for our bodies without any conscious effort! But sometimes, I wish it would find a different way to handle stress. When I’m really stressed, my dreams can get really weird. I have a few recurring dreams that pop up when the pressure’s on. The school dream. Usually, it’s the end of my senior year of high school and I realize that I’ve been skipping out on one class for the whole year. Maybe I’m scrambling to finish an extra credit project; maybe I’m so worried about other classes that … Continue reading

Smashing Stress

I often joke that when I’m stressed, I need a doghouse to smash. A friend of mine had an old, abandoned doghouse in her yard and decided one day it was time to get rid of the unsightly thing. With her trusty sledgehammer at her side, she took it apart. When she was done, she told me how great it felt to smash the thing. There’s something very cathartic about physical exercise… and destruction. After a particularly bad breakup a few years ago, some friends invited me to help remodel their kitchen. I had a grand old time prying tiles … Continue reading

Marriage Types: Same Sex

As previously discussed, all marriages are not the same. There are many different levels of commitment, love, and bondage when it comes to a couple’s marriage. My final marriage type will be discussed in this article. So far, we have examined covenant, polygamous, later life, young, long distance, and choosing childless marriages. While all of the marriages listed above were different to some degree, they all also had one factor in common. All of the marriages above consisted of a union between a man and a woman. Today’s marriage type is different in that its union takes place between two … Continue reading

Marriage Types: Long Distance

Different marriage types for different couples have been a major focus of my last few articles. The latest took the age at which couples marry into consideration. Previously I have also examined the commitment style of the couples. Some couples choose to be very committed while others are much more relaxed on the dos and don’ts of marriage. Now I will turn my focus on location. To most couples, marriage is waking up each morning together and going to bed each night together. However for some, time is more spent apart rather than together. These couples live in a long … Continue reading

Marriage Types: Covenant

Many years ago there was only one type of marriage. It was the traditional husband and wife marriage, which began with a wedding and ended with happily ever after (or so we thought). We now know that all marriages and couples are not designed this way. There are many different people in this world and many different types of relationships. Therefore, there are also different types of marriages. In my next couple of articles I will explore some traditional and some nontraditional couples and their marriages. For some couples marriage simply just is not enough. They want a commitment even … Continue reading