What is Genetic Genealogy?

During a search on the Internet for genealogy information I came across the term “genetic genealogy.” I did not know what it meant, and I did not look into it at the time because it sounded like it could be rather scientific, and I was not in a scientific mood. However, today, I decided that I would learn what genetic genealogy is all about. Genetic genealogy combines traditional genealogy with genetic testing to determine the level of genetic relationship between individuals. In other words, how similar is your genetic makeup to that of your ancestors? Genetic genealogy is a relatively … Continue reading

Knowing Your Racial Heritage

Everyone wants to know their racial heritage. For most of us, it’s something that we never had to think about. We could look in the mirror and at the rest of our family and get a pretty good idea as to where we came from. Many adopted children do not have this luxury. Some never knew either one of their biological parents. Others know just one, usually their birth mother. If that parent is racially mixed, then the child knows very little about their personal ancestry. Intermarriage has surged in the last number of years and today there are a … Continue reading