What is Toxic Shock Syndrome?

Just about every box of tampons comes with a warning about toxic shock syndrome. Toxic shock syndrome is a complication from a bacterial infection most often seen in women who use tampons. Staph bacteria and strep bacteria have both been associated with toxic shock syndrome, but staph is more often the bacteria to blame. But toxic shock syndrome isn’t just a problem for women who are menstruating — and using tampons or contraceptive sponges. Men, children, and postmenopausal women can also develop toxic shock syndrome after a skin wound or surgery. Common symptoms include: high fever (102 degrees Fahrenheit or … Continue reading

Hormonal Breast Tenderness

One of my least favorite symptoms of PMS is the breast tenderness. I guess I’m lucky that I don’t suffer this particular symptom every month… but when it does hit, it sure does hurt! During PMS and even pregnancy, hormonal changes can lead to discomfort in the mammary glands. Reproductive hormones (estrogen and progesterone) trigger growth in the milk producing glands. Blood and other fluids fill the nearby area. This can cause painful stretching to your nerves! So what can you do to relieve hormonal breast tenderness? Try a diet change. A high-fiber, low-fat diet may signal your body to … Continue reading

Dieting and PMS: A Fight to the Finish, Part I

The Curse Dieting is hard enough, but many of us manage to accomplish our goal eventually. Everything is going fairly well, we are being faithful and strong-willed resisting the tempting goodies that surround us for the most part. We are losing a pound here, a pound there…and then we feel it….that first twinge…that first cramp. Oh no, you think, not now. I was doing so well. You know what will happen next. You feel it start to overtake you. You do not feel as strong as you initially did. You get an uncontrollable urge that you just have to satisfy. … Continue reading

Hormone Replacement Therapy: Side Effects

If you are considering hormone replacement therapy to relieve menopause symptoms, you might want to know a little bit about the possible side effects. Not all side effects occur in all women, but the following side effects have been reported. In general, side effects are more frequent when taking oral forms of estrogen therapy. With any form of estrogen therapy, you could experience: Irregular vaginal bleeding and other discharge. Headache. Nausea. Fluid retention and weight gain. Breast tenderness. Darkening skin or spotting on the skin, especially on the face. Asthma — newly diagnosed asthma seems to be more common in … Continue reading

Hormone Basics

Hormone levels are more than just a “that time of the month” joke. Studies have shown that changing hormone levels can affect your mood, worsen chronic health issues, and even make you more susceptible to injury! Hormones have an impact on your entire body, not just your reproductive system. There are four types of hormones: Estrogen: a class of hormones that is necessary for sexual development and a healthy reproductive system. Also affects brain function, bone health, and cancer risk. Oxytocin: a hormone responsible for contractions during labor, milk production during breastfeeding, and the nurturing instinct. Progesterone: a hormone produced … Continue reading

Three Dreaded Letters: PMS

It’s not a subject most people like to discuss, but PMS or Pre Menstrual Syndrome can wreak havoc on relationships, especially when it is not recognized. Despite what many people seem to think, hormonal fluctuations throughout a woman’s cycle can be as hard on her as they seem to be on the people in her life. Yes, PMS is Real Too often people see PMS as being “all in her head,” but it’s not. Hormonal changes can cause everything from cravings and fatigue to mild discomfort or a good deal of pain. There is often bloating and irritability, and a … Continue reading