The Flu Shot for Baby-Is it Necessary?

In our house, we have always been big proponents of the flu shot. We all get them every year. And, it is that time of year again. My husband works in the medical field, and in past years, he has had to be in contact with flu patients regularly. Since our children are young, we have always been cautious. In his current job, he is not in close contact with patients infected with the flu, although he does still work in a hospital. So, I found myself asking him if it was really necessary. I had never really questioned it … Continue reading

Wrestling A Baby To Sleep

Last night, I certainly felt like I was in a wrestling match. Since we are currently co-sleeping (and not entirely by our choice, but more so our baby’s) it is always a little tricky with three people in the bed. But, this morning, I woke up feeling like I had literally been wrestling all night. That is not a good feeling! My five-month-old is as precious as it gets. He smiles all day long, even when sick, and has a great temperament these days, unlike those early ones. But, the nights are long. They are a battle. They are tough … Continue reading

Lessons Learned the Hard Way

I think one of the most difficult things to do as a parent of a teen is watch your child have to learn things the hard way. But honestly, sometimes it is the only way for life lessons to be taught. In fact, some of the greatest lessons and opportunities for growth come through challenging times. Yet they are very painful, as I recently expressed in my blog, “What I Learned from my Child’s Pain.” It isn’t easy to convey what is in my heart without completely divulging my daughter’s personal business, so I will definitely have to tow the … Continue reading

The Importance of Touch

My husband just returned to work after 3-4 days home sick with a fever. I doted on him for the duration. I didn’t do it because I thought it was the wife’s role, but because it’s what I’d expect anyone to do if a person they loved was ill. I expect similar dedication from Jon when I’m not feeling well. Copying many of the nursing habits my mom employed when my brother and I were sick growing up, I made him endless cups of tea: Echinacea, cold care, green tea with honey. I froze juice and made slushies for him. … Continue reading

Parenting Alone, Again

I try not to be judgmental. As a single mother I get my share of judgment from other people so I try to refrain. However when I hear of grandparents raising their grandchildren I have to say the judgmental part of me rears its ugly head and I judge. After all, what kind of mother doesn’t raise her child? My sister is a single grandparent right now. Before this she was a single mother. She raised her daughter alone because her daughter’s father had a drug problem. Now she is raising her grandson alone, because her daughter is struggling with … Continue reading

Make December Meaningful

Last year at this time I was frantically planning our ward Christmas party. This year, I hope to be relaxing a bit more and taking care of a newborn babe. I have worked hard in previous months to get things “done” in an easy way like shopping online, leaving the decorating to someone else, and not planning too many activities. I look forward to sleepless nights with my little baby because I hope to be nursing by a Christmas tree and thinking about what is truly important this special time of year. I hope the slower pace will help me … Continue reading

Parents of Teens Need Friends Too

I spent a good half hour late last night texting a friend. I sound like a teenager, don’t I? We were going back and forth, sharing our “teen” stories and encouraging each other. What I especially love about this friend is that she is one who can truly relate. We both have sons who are seniors. We both have daughters that are just one year apart and our youngest sons are both in 7th grade. In fact, all of our kids are very good friends, having grown up in the church together. One of the topics of our texting was … Continue reading

Getting A Good Nights Sleep

What does your bedroom look like? Is this the room you stuff things in if you have unexpected company? Do you put things in your bedroom, until you can find a place for them? I know I’m guilty of that. I have books that need to be shelved, clothes that need to be donated, even a toddler bed that needs to go in another room. Yes it’s inconvenient to have to walk around all of these things and as we all know, clutter seems to breed clutter. It’s much easier to put something in a room that’s already a little … Continue reading

A Handful of Healthy Freebies

It seems as though it is much easier to subsist solely on junk food than it is to seek out healthier food choices. If you have any doubts about this bit of common sense, try going on a diet. Your perceptions about food will instantly change. Health foods, and health products, are expensive. Fortunately, every once in a while, you can find some healthy things for absolutely free. I recently started the Atkins diet. So far, I have spent some money on the book, as well as quite a few varieties of the Atkins food products. It turns out that … Continue reading


I’ve never been very good at bedtime. I have always been a night owl from the time I was little, maybe I’ve passed it on to my son. Whenever anyone asks him what his bedtime is he emphatically responds, “Midnight!” Unfortunately, he’s not far off. When my ex husband and I were married he didn’t get off of work quite often until 10 or 11 o’clock at night. If he was going to spend any time with Logan at all it had to be after he got home from work. Many couples find themselves in this kind of a position. … Continue reading