Radiation Therapy

Did you know when you are getting ready to go through radiation therapy they have to give you tattoo’s? No not the cool tattoo’s just little blue freckle tattoos. They use the tattoos to line up the radiation machine to give you the dosage in the exact same spots each and every time. I am not going to lie to you I do have a tattoo already and that is much larger than a freckle and hurt a lot less than the freckles do. I think the reason that it hurt so much is because the area where they put … Continue reading

How to Help part 2

Chemotherapy is over and you are wondering how you can help your family or friend going through this. For many people chemotherapy is just one step of the journey. For me I also had 33 days of radiation therapy ahead of me. Honestly I thought the radiation was going to be a piece of cake, I mean isn’t chemo supposed to be the hard part? My radiation therapy started about a month after chemo ended, first you get little blue tattoo’s placed on you so they can line the machine to every time. If you are trying to think of … Continue reading

Could There Be a Vaccine for Breast Cancer?

Could there really be a vaccine for breast cancer in the near future? I have been hearing about this story quite a bit in the news. After successfully testing mice with a vaccine, there is great hope that breast cancer could be prevented in women. Now that the mice have been tested it’s time to move onto human clinical tests. It’s believed that possibly next year they will be ready to begin testing on women. Now I do have to admit that I am always apprehensive about new vaccinations. The first thing that comes to my mind is wondering what … Continue reading

Emotional Support Can Improve Odds for Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer is one of the leading types of cancer in the United States. If you or someone you know has battled with breast cancer, you understand the need for support and encouragement. Recently the “Cancer Support Community’s Research and Training Institute” unveiled a new registry for breast cancer survivors. These remarkable survivors will have the opportunity to share their experience and impact others who are going through the same thing. It is believed that emotional support can improve the survival odds for breast cancer patients. The Breast Cancer M.A.P. (Mind Affects the Physical) Project is recruiting survivors of breast … Continue reading