Ergonomics in Action

A good friend of mine needed some help with data entry at her workplace, so she asked if I wanted to pitch in. It’s been a long time since I put on my business clothes and went to work in an office, but I’m happy to help. As I settled into my borrowed desk and computer at the office, I made sure my arms and wrists were happy with the ergonomic set up. I’ve had problems with RSI (repetitive strain injury) in my wrists in the past, and didn’t want to aggravate any old injuries. It turns out that I … Continue reading

Ergonomics: Your Computer

Your computer is an important part of your ergonomic set-up! Keeping your keyboard, mouse, and monitor in the right position can save you from a lot of strain and pain. Tips to keep keyboard and mouse use more comfortable: Place the keyboard slightly below the elbow — this will help your wrists to stay in a neutral position. Avoid using a wrist rest while typing. Wrist rests are meant for the times when you AREN’T typing! Keep your wrists elevated while typing. Avoid tilting the keyboard so that the back is higher than the front. This will force your wrists … Continue reading

Unexpected Health Advice From My New Laptop

My computer went to that great big electronics store in the sky last week, so I ended up buying a new laptop. It’s sleek and shiny and actually the first new computer I’ve owned in a long time. (My last two were hand-me-downs, and served long and well.) Like most electronics, the new laptop came with a manual. Several manuals, in fact. The regular operations one, the quick start guide, a shopping-for-accessories booklet, and something called the “Instruction Manual for Safety and Comfort”. With a title like that, I couldn’t resist taking a peek. Much of it is devoted to … Continue reading

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis?

If you’ve ever traveled by air, you’ve probably heard about deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep in the body. DVT most often appears in the thigh or lower leg, but can appear in other parts of the body. First things first: what is a blood clot? When the blood thickens and clumps together, that is a blood clot. Blood clots can form in any vein, but those that form in veins near the skin’s surface are generally not dangerous. A blood clot that occurs in a deep vein can … Continue reading

Treating RSI

If you believe you have a repetitive stress injury (RSI), here are some things you should do. Talk to your health care professional. Don’t just assume you have a repetitive stress injury! Some can be tricky to diagnose — like when I thought I had carpal tunnel syndrome but didn’t. Don’t be afraid to get a second opinion. Talk to a chiropractor, personal trainer, ergonomic specialist, or massage therapist. Let someone who has a different perspective chime in. Figure out what is causing the pain and stop doing it. Many repetitive stress injuries can be fixed by removing the source … Continue reading