Falling Off The Fingernail Bandwagon

Time to confess defeat. I thought I’d triumphed over my lifelong nail biting habit, but I’ve fallen off the nice nails wagon. In one afternoon, I chewed away several months’ worth of nail growing progress and am back to square one. It’s my own fault, really. I’d been doing so well because I’d take the time to shape and paint my nails every few days. When my nails were pretty and colorful, I didn’t bite them. But I stripped off the polish without repainting them, and BOOM. No more nails. I hardly noticed I was doing it, at first. Then … Continue reading

Cuticle Care Tips

Okay, nail biters… I’m mostly back on the wagon. I’m giving that whole “stop biting your nails” thing another try! One problem I have is this: when I stop biting my nails, I tend to attack my cuticles instead. So to be completely honest, I’m only redirecting the chewing behavior, not stopping it. At the moment, I’ve got eight “good” nails, two slightly nibbled nails, and two hands full of sad looking cuticles. Cuticles are dead skin that overlaps the exposed portion of your fingernail — the nail plate. The cuticle makes a seal between your skin and your fingernail … Continue reading

Why Chewing Gum Is Good For You

Bring enough gum for everybody — because chewing gum can be good for you! Chewing a sugar-free gum after meals can help neutralize acids that turn into plaque on your teeth. This reduces your risk of developing cavities! Cinnamon is a natural germ killer. Cinnamon gum can help bust bad breath. Minty gums can help too, but the sweet scent may just cover up the problem, not neutralize the germs in your mouth. Chewing gum can help you lose weight — studies have shown that people who chew gum between meals tend to snack less. Whether the chewing motion keeps … Continue reading

Be Kind to Yourself

Being kind to yourself is not the same as being self-indulgent. Being accepting of yourself and your flaws is not the same as being lazy and unwilling to make healthy changes. Self kindness is: Recognizing things you do that are harmful to yourself and stopping them. Defending yourself against negative thoughts, words, and actions from within. Defending yourself against negative thoughts, words, and actions from others. Being honest about your flaws and outstanding qualities. Asking for help when you need it. Resting when you need it. Believing in yourself. Choosing to make changes in your life. Self kindness is not: … Continue reading