The Best and the Worst of the Halloween Candy

Have you been sneaking the kids Halloween candy? I know I have, especially after our church’s Trunk or Treat event got cancelled because of snow…yes snow, in October, in Pennsylvania. So here we are with a big bowl of candy and no way to hand it out (our semi-rural neighborhood, with its zero sidewalks and houses far apart get zero trick or treaters), meaning that there have been one or two (or five) Romans grabbing a piece or two here or there. We only buy the good stuff. I was curious to know which of the candy, the Kit Kats, … Continue reading

FDA Warns: Black Licorice Can Harm Your Heart

If you will be dipping into the Halloween candy this year, you might want to skip the black licorice. The FDA has issued a new warning that says that black licorice can harm your heart. In fact, several other studies conclude that it can harm even more than that. First, let us note that the warning concerns adults (although, I imagine parents will want to take heed as well) who consume at least two ounces of black licorice a day for at least two weeks. While most of us want a little variety in our candy, there are no doubt … Continue reading