First Aid in Summer

Summer is about fun but it can also be about accidents and injuries. Do you know how to handle some of the more common types of summer injuries? Having a first aid kit on hand is the first step toward being ready for an unexpected injury. First aid kits can be simple ones, made up of bandages and ointments. It’s a good idea to keep one in the car and another in your purse, traveling bag or diaper bag. That way you are always ready. One of the more common types of summer injuries occurs from bee stings. It’s best … Continue reading

First Aid: Puncture Wounds

I moved to a new apartment in the middle of January. It’s got new everything, including carpeting. The other night, I found a carpet nail that wasn’t quite nailed all the way down… with the bottom my foot. You know what that means: it’s time to learn about first aid for puncture wounds! Minor puncture wounds generally don’t bleed a whole lot. The big danger with puncture wounds is the risk of infection. Whatever caused the wound may be full of bacteria — especially if the object has been in the dirt, like a nail or tack. Animal bites are … Continue reading

Pet First Aid: Sticky Situations

Over the weekend, Moose and Lally and I were invited up to a friend’s house. The house sits up on a hill overlooking the Willamette River in Washington state. Around the yard grow wild blackberries (yum) and there are several walking paths through the less tamed areas of the hill. In other words, it’s pretty much puppy paradise! Much to my dismay, Moose came gimping out of the bushes after dinner. I grabbed his feet and checked each one out. His left front paw had all sorts of sticks and stones stuck to the pads — it seems my Moose … Continue reading

Pet First Aid: Neck Sores

This morning, I noticed a weird matted spot on my dog Lally’s neck. On closer investigation, I found a sore around the size of a quarter on the right side of her neck, just above where her collar sits. Time to put my pet first aid skills into action! First, I soaked a washcloth in warm water. After wringing it out, I applied the warm washcloth to Lally’s neck to help soften and clear away the dried blood. Once I could pick the hair out of the way, I could see the sore. It didn’t look like a cut, scrape, … Continue reading

Pet First Aid: Abdominal Wounds

Because only a layer of skin, fat, and muscle protects the stomach, an abdominal wound can be very serious. The organs in the abdomen are easily injured — bruised or torn — by a car accident, a fall, or other impact. If there is ANY puncture or open wound, you should contact your veterinarian. It can be very hard to tell at home if a smaller wound has penetrated the abdomen and the internal organs are exposed. Even an abdominal bite can be a serious injury. Your first aid will concentrate on keeping your pet alive while you get to … Continue reading

The Three Most Common Types of Bleeding Disorder

Bleeding disorders interfere with the body’s clotting ability, and lead to prolonged bleeding after an injury. Under normal circumstances, when the body is injured, the platelets in blood gather around the wound. Proteins in the plasma (known as blood clotting factors) work with platelets and other substances to form a clot over the wound — the blood turns from liquid to solid. In a person with a bleeding disorder, those clotting factors may be missing — or may not work they way they should. The most common bleeding disorder is hemophilia A — also known as factor VIII deficiency or … Continue reading

Lally’s Neck Sore And…

Here’s an update on Lally and her mysterious neck sore. It wasn’t a cut or puncture from her adventures in the bushes. It wasn’t a sore from collar friction, either. Our wonderful new vet checked Lally out and found… an ear infection. Both ears have a bacterial infection. The sore was either caused by too much scratching — trying to itch the ear and irritating the neck — or from wandering bacteria from the ear. Either way, Lally has a hot spot about the size of a quarter on her neck. The folks at the vet clinic shaved away all … Continue reading