Fish Oil For Moms and Babies

Research from the University of Western Australia is showing that fish oil — which is full of omega-3 fatty acids — is good for both mothers AND their babies. Mothers who include a fish oil supplement during pregnancy may be improving baby’s hand-eye coordination and brain development. Fish oil supplements may be even better than olive oil for providing long chain omega-3 fatty acids! Healthy pregnant women who participated in the study were divided into two groups. One group took four grams of fish oil daily; the second group took four grams of olive oil supplements daily. The women started … Continue reading

Mommy Addictions

Two words: Downton Abbey. After a hard day scrubbing filthy floors, washing stacks of soiled dishes, sorting mountains of dirty laundry, chasing unruly kids, cooking, chauffeuring, and calming crying babies, moms deserve a break; a chance to relax, unwind and indulge in something that brings them peace, repose and otherwise rejuvenates their spirit. According to an unscientific survey, these days, those highly anticipated (though extremely rare) Mommy breaks are being spent in front of a television screen fostering an addiction to Downton Abbey. The entire universe is reportedly enraptured by the ITV/PBS drama set in early 20th Century England, but … Continue reading

Lower Dementia Risk With the Right Diet

French researchers have been studying diet choices in people aged sixty-five and over. The result? Certain foods can help cut your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers from the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research tracked the diets of more than eight thousand people over the age of sixty-five for four years. Out of that group, 183 developed Alzheimer’s disease and another 98 developed a different form of dementia. Here are some of the study results: People who ate a diet full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids were sixty percent less likely to develop dementia than people … Continue reading

Health Benefits of Coconut

I am allergic to coconut (and pineapple and shrimp), which really is not that unusual, unless you were born and raised in Hawaii. Yes, the jokes start to fly once I tell people about my food allergies. All kidding aside, when I informed my daughter’s pediatrician about my many food allergies shortly after she was born he recommended that we not introduce shellfish or other tropical fruits into her diet until she was at least 3-years-old. My daughter turned 3 a few weeks ago. Two days ago we attended a party that featured a gigantic white coconut cake. I’m not … Continue reading

Important Things Omega-3s Do For Your Body

The right kind of fat can be good for you! Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish, avocados, walnuts, vegetable oil, eggs, and more, and can do lots of good for your body. Omega-3 fatty acids can help you lose weight and maintain weight loss! The fatty acids can help stabilize the mood swings that trigger diet-busting emotional eating. Got dry skin? Omega-3 fatty acids can help strengthen cell walls to keep your skin hydrated, soft, and supple. A recent study from the University of Pittsburgh found that omega-3 fatty acids help the body fight inflammation. If you have chronic … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is good for us. But do you know why? Vitamin C is essential in the body’s production of collagen. Collagen is a part of the connective tissue through our bodies — it helps connect skin, bones, teeth, tendons, ligaments, organ tissue, and cartilage. Collagen makes up the separating layer between cells. But vitamin C does so much more than that! Vitamin C helps protect fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin E. Vitamin C also helps protect essential fatty acids from oxidation. This vitamin is also useful in treating iron-deficiency anemia. Vitamin C is perhaps most famous for … Continue reading

New Heart Guidelines For Women

Heart disease is the number one health threat for women — one in every three women in America dies of heart disease. But heart disease and stroke are preventable. The American Heart Association released new guidelines to help women keep their hearts healthy and happy for a long time. The new guidelines have three elements: a healthy lifestyle, taking care of major heart disease risk factors, and using appropriate medication. Taking care of your heart starts early: if you are age twenty or older, see your doctor to talk about your heart disease risk. Only one in ten women will … Continue reading

Younger Mom vs Older Mom: The Debate Continues

The debate over what age is the perfect age to have a baby continues. More than 15,000 readers of Babytalk participated in a recent survey. Results were reported in the September 2006 issue with some surprising findings. The breakdown of the respondents by age were: 35% were 24 or younger 30% were 40 or older 35% fell somewhere between the two age groups Surprisingly the older moms, at least in this survey, were harsher than the younger moms. For example, 54% of the younger moms reported that an older mom had tried to make them feel that they were either … Continue reading