Did You Get Your Flaxseed Today?

I mentioned in my first blog in weight loss, how I felt like weight loss was all about making small changes for a total cumulative effect rather than making huge changes only to find that you can’t sustain them long term. A little extra water here, a skipped dessert there and you’ll find that you’re building healthier habits that lead to long lasting weight loss. Adding a little flaxseed to your diet is one of those ‘little changes’ that can really go a long way towards helping you reach your weight loss goals. How Flaxseed Helps Weight Loss Flaxseed has … Continue reading

Your Genes and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A recent study from Harvard Medical School says that your genetics may play a bigger role in carpal tunnel than repetitive motion or too much keyboard time. So what is carpal tunnel syndrome? Your arm has a nerve called the median nerve that runs down the arm and into the hand, controlling some of the sensations to thumb and your first three fingers. At the wrist, the median nerve passes through a space called the carpal tunnel. If the nerve becomes compressed or squeezed in the carpal tunnel, you can experience tingling (like pins-and-needles when a limb falls asleep), pain, … Continue reading

Flax Seed Oil for Carpal Tunnel

Aimee Amodio has written some fabulous blogs about carpal tunnel here on Familes.com. I include her links at the bottom of this article. I would like to share with you my own experiences with this condition and the ways I have found to control it in my life. However, you need to do what feels best to you in your circumstances; if you feel you need to be treated with more intervention, you follow that feeling. The summer I was seventeen, I did a lot of crochet, cross-stitch, and typing. As the season progressed, I noticed that my forearms were … Continue reading

Prevent Wrist RSI

If you spend a lot of time at your desk in front of the computer, you may be concerned about repetitive stress injuries to your wrists. There are many different types of wrist RSI, including tendonitis, bursitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Here are a few things you can do to help protect yourself against wrist RSI. Cover the basics. That includes maintaining an appropriate weight, eating a healthy, balanced diet, and getting regular cardiovascular exercise. Unhealthy habits cause stress all over the body! Keep your arm, wrist, and hand muscles in shape. If those areas are already active and strong, … Continue reading

What is the Fat Flush Plan?

Somebody on the Beyonce’s Maple Syrup Diet Forum asked about the Fat Flush so I thought it might be a good topic for a blog. The Fat Flush is another Detox Diet plan that doesn’t just leave you after a few weeks of dieting. It demands the incorporation of a lifestyle change. Let’s be honest here, folks. The only way to get slim and stay there is to change your lifestyle. Yo-yo dieting every time you put on extra weight from eating carelessly just isn’t smart or safe. It is a far, far better thing to lose the extra pounds … Continue reading