Natural Energy Drinks

Do you live on energy drinks? Do you feel you have to have a Red Bull or Monster to make it through some days? Many Americans are so busy that they consume energy drinks just to keep up. But, if you drink energy drinks, do you really know what you are putting into your body? Consumer Reports recently conducted a study and found that some energy drink labels aren’t truthful. Some were found to have higher levels of caffeine than stated. And the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently did an investigation into five deaths believed to be somehow related … Continue reading

Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy

Energy drinks, such as 5-Hour Energy and others are a booming industry. Many people rely on these energy drinks to get through the day. I’ve seen them being pulled out of purses, laid on people’s desks, and sold out at the convenience stores. I’ve never tried these drinks myself, so I can’t speak for them, but wouldn’t it be better to try something natural first? There are several ways to naturally boost your energy levels throughout the day. Many of them are just common sense, but there are a few tricks in there, too. First of all, getting enough sleep … Continue reading

How Your BMR Can Help You Lose Weight

Most of us know what BMI (body mass index) is and that it measures your height and weight to determine how much body fat you have. But have you heard of BMR (basal metabolic rate)? This is important to understanding how many calories you should be consuming each day. If you take in more calories than you should, you will gain weight. But if you take in fewer calories than you should, it will interfere with the body’s ability to burn fat. It could also lead to dysfunction in your blood pressure, heart rate and ability to digest foods. So … Continue reading

Foods That Promote Weight Loss

The whole idea of a diet is to not only decrease the amount of weight that you are carrying around, but also to develop new and healthful eating habits. If you just work to get your weight down and do not concentrate on a new eating lifestyle as well you will lose the weight, but you will most likely not keep the weight off. Millions of people go on diets each year in order to rid themselves of weight and they are successful a good part of the time. However, many also go back to eating the same way that … Continue reading

Foods That Can Help Boost Energy

Foods that Can Help Boost Energy There’s a lot of information on those tiny little food labels. It’s very smart to read before you buy! Keeping an eye on calories, fats, fiber, and vitamins can help keep you and your family healthy. Scanning for other specifics on the label can help you find foods that will help your body run more evenly and efficiently. For example, if you’re looking for foods that can give you an energy boost, look for two things: whole grains/fiber and iron. Whole grains help keep your blood sugar levels stable. When glucose levels are stable, … Continue reading

Raise Energy Levels With The Right Foods

You think you are eating right — but your energy levels are in the basement. Here are some tips to help you pick the right foods to keep your body running all day long! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But watch what you eat! Sugary foods (even yogurt) can lead to an energy nosedive after an hour or so. Try to get a mix of protein and fiber (especially from whole grains) for energy that lasts. Keep your sugar content low if you can. Speaking of sugar — that dried fruit is full of it. Fresh, … Continue reading

Start Now to Make Changes for the New Year

We are winding down the year 2011 and already people are starting to make plans, if even just in their minds, on how they are going to start out the New Year with changes. December is a great time to get ready. It gives you a chance to really reflect on what changes you want to make and how you want to go about them. Fitness is one of the top New Year resolutions or changes that people tend to make. But the problem is that if you decide on January 1st to start and don’t have a plan, it … Continue reading

Health and Fitness Tips During the Holiday Season

With so much to do over the holiday season finding time for fitness is even more difficult than it usually is, but very necessary. With the extra chores that we must do during this time of the year there is increased calorie burning, but not enough to conquer all of the good food calories that we will most likely be indulging in. As always and now more than ever use those sneaky ways to give your fitness a boost. Shopping is crazy hectic at this time of the year. Remember not to dive in to the closet parking spot to … Continue reading

Does Buying Organic Make You a Better Parent?

If you watched Monday’s episode of “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” then you’d think the answer was: “Absolutely!” Take that Jon. Monday’s show featured Kate taking her kids to an organic produce farm run by an Amish family. Cameras captured Kate and her eight kids picking up fresh watermelon, cantaloupe, peppers, corn and other veggies at “Henry’s,” then taking their goods home to make a “meal from scratch.” “It is pure joy when I can go to a produce stand and buy produce that has been picked that morning and it will land on my table that evening for dinner,” … Continue reading

Pump Up Your Workout with Fruits and Veggies

Looking for a way to put some oomph into your fitness routine? Then, reach for an orange the next time hunger strikes. According to a new study, eating foods rich in antioxidants may boost your endurance. Researchers found that consuming a specific type of antioxidant called quercetin helped study participants exercise longer and harder. The study featured 12 fit college students, who were not regular exercisers. At the beginning of the study, researchers measured the students’ maximum oxygen uptake and the number of minutes they could ride a stationary bike. For 7 days, the college coeds followed their regular routines … Continue reading