Athlete’s Foot… or Not?

Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus that likes warm, moist territory — like the conditions found in a lot of shoes. But not all itchy, red, rashy feet are suffering from athlete’s foot. There are other conditions that may look or feel like the real thing… but aren’t. Eczema can cause an identical rash on both feet. If your case of athlete’s foot looks exactly the same on your left and right feet, it may be eczema instead. Allergies can also cause an identical rash on both feet. You may be allergic to something in your shoes or socks! … Continue reading

Walking Barefoot is Good for Your Feet!

I love to be barefoot. As soon as I walk in the door, I take off my shoes — it’s a good way to keep contaminants out of the house, but I just do it because I’m more comfortable barefoot! Walking barefoot can actually be good for you. Wearing shoes can make your foot muscles weak; going barefoot can stretch and exercise your toes and arches. Walking barefoot also helps improve balance! (I do find that I have better balance without shoes — I once climbed some rocks at a lake and was surprised at how much easier it was … Continue reading

Frugality and Great Danes: An Interview with Author Carolyn Howard-Johnson

What makes Carolyn Howard-Johnson so frugal? Why her series of “Frugal Books” of course! (A listing of them follows the end of the interview.) But this author also has a passion for Danes –as in the Great variety. I thought it was maybe because she was a Scooby-Doo nut, but, nope, a real life Great Dane got her hooked on the breed. Read on to learn more about author Carolyn Howard-Johnson and the pets in her life. Courtney Mroch: What kind of things do you write about? (Genre, subject matter, themes, what have you.) Carolyn Howard-Johnson: I write about anything … Continue reading

More Ele-Facts

Elephants are fascinating animals! From physiology to psychology, these giants are full of surprises. Here are some more facts about Asian elephants. Elephants can hear infrasonic sound — sound below the human audible range — and ultrasonic sound — sound above the human audible range. Studies have shown that they can hear thunder several miles away. Elephants have great hearing and a great sense of smell but see relatively poorly. They can recognize people by smell, even after years apart. Fanning their ears helps elephants cool their bodies. The blood cycles through the ear to help regulate body temperature — … Continue reading

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan – Lisa See

“Snow Flower and the Secret Fan” is a fiction novel, but it feels so real, it could almost be nonfiction. I came away smelling the dumplings and ginger, seeing all the images before me. Lily is the narrator, looking back over her life in China with the eyes of the eighty-year-old woman she’s become. She tells of her young childhood, when the diviner comes to set the date for her feet to be bound, and being told that her feet were so remarkable, she might have golden lilies, meaning, the smallest feet possible to attain at the approximate length of … Continue reading

Dealing With Foot Pain

Walking is one of the greatest forms of exercise — but if your feet hurt, you probably don’t want to do much walking! Here are some stretches that can help prevent and relieve foot pain, whether you’re on your feet all day or not. Stretch your toes quickly and easily: sit in a chair with your right leg crossed over your left thigh. Lace your fingers through your toes as if you were holding hands with your foot. Squeeze your fingers (and toes) together for a ten second count, then stretch your fingers (and toes) apart for a ten second … Continue reading

Check Your Foot Shape To Get The Right Kind Of Shoe

Footprints show us where we’ve been… but they can also help point you in the right direction going forward. Your foot shape can show you the way to the right kind of shoe to reduce foot pain and body strain. So how do you figure out your foot shape? It’s quick and easy! Take off your shoes and socks. Wet the bottom of your foot. Step onto a fresh, clean piece of paper. Check out the imprint you’ve made. You have a high arch if the imprint has only a narrow band connecting the ball of the foot with the … Continue reading

Foot Fact and Fiction

Think you know all there is to know about your tootsies? Think again. Test your foot IQ with these foot fibs — see if you know the truth! FOOT FICTION: Once you’re an adult, your feet pretty much stay the same size. FOOT FACT: Weight gain, pregnancy, and even basic aging can stretch the ligaments in your feet and make them up to a whole size larger. And you can lose weight in your feet, too. Don’t just assume your feet have stayed the same — try on your shoes and make sure you’re getting a good fit. And just … Continue reading

Author Interview — Candace Salima

Candace Salima is a multi-talented author, screenwriter, and entrepreneur. Despite her busy schedule, she has taken the time to grant an interview to Candace, thank you for joining us today. You have written many blogs for the LDS section here at which are still easily found in the archives, but I notice you haven’t posted anything recently. Are you still with the company? Can we expect to see more blogs from you in the future? Due to many obligations in my life I have had to step back from blogging with for the time being. I have … Continue reading