Frugal Friends are Priceless

If you surround yourself with frugal friends, saving money will be easy. Yesterday, after the town parade and free hot dogs and games, my family headed over to an area attraction that was sponsoring free admission for the day. The promotion wasn’t widely advertised. It wasn’t mentioned on the website or put on any community calendars, so not too many people knew about it. Thanks to a faithful frugal friend, though, who alerted me to the event, my family of five was able to enjoy the afternoon, which included a free tour, a narrated tram ride, and time in “the … Continue reading

The Benefits of Breaking Up

Next week, we find out the name of my daughter’s third grade teacher and get a sneak peek of who her classmates will be for the upcoming academic year. I’m dreading it like a bout of head lice. Truth be told, I’m not too worried about the teacher; rather, it’s the potential classmates that give me the hives. I really, really hope the school took my bullying concerns to heart and decided to separate my daughter from some of the children who spent the better part of last year tormenting her. For my part, I spent the better part of … Continue reading

Three Hidden Benefits of an Organized Home

If you need more motivation to stay organized and put in some extra effort to have an organized home, just review the following. There are at least three hidden benefits to having an organized home. More Time with Friends and Family When your home is organized it takes less maintenance not more, believe it or not. A home where everything has its place and quick cleaning routines are established leaves plenty of extra time that might otherwise be spent looking for items or doing frantic marathon cleaning sessions. Also, organized homes will have less clutter to deal with. Fewer possessions … Continue reading

Marriage with Benefits

I can’t recall the context in which I heard it but not too long ago the phrase “friends with benefits” was mentioned. I had to stop and think about that for a moment. What I do know about this terminology is it means to have sexual relations without any ties. But I decided to look it up in the urban dictionary for more information. Specifically, it means to not only have a sexual relationship but to have it without being emotionally involved. I suppose this can happen but I find it difficult to believe. Deep down inside there must be … Continue reading

Hand Me Down Curriculum: Benefits and Drawbacks

It’s almost September, and you’re on the hunt for curriculum. You’ve visited web sites, talked to your friends, and scoured the brains of those in your local homeschooling groups. You have a list of curriculum you want, and you know where to get it. Then you look at the price. Ack! Curriculum can be expensive, especially if you want to get a lot of different packages at the same time. If curriculum prices have you reeling, it’s time for a trip to the Used Curriculum Store. Don’t you wish that there was such a thing? What are the advantages of … Continue reading

Best Friends

As a parent, I am so grateful for Hailey’s friends. As a single parent I am doubly grateful. It’s so important to talk to your kids, but that doesn’t mean our kids always talk to us. They need friends to talk to, friends who sympathize and understand. All we can do is hope they make good choices with those friends so they are not being given hurtful advice. I have been so lucky; Hailey has had some amazing friends. Girls and boys that I love to have around. She met her best friend on the first day of kindergarten and … Continue reading

Friends with Benefits

Research has shown that staying close to other people had its rewards, namely in better health and a longer life. People with strong social connections are more likely than loners to survive into old age than those who are typically loners. There are several reasons for this, from lowering your level of stress to having friends who encourage you to eat right, take care of yourself and go to the doctor. But what if you were born with a loner personality? There are several ways to reach out to others and get those friends with benefits for your health. Meeting … Continue reading

Student-to-Student Program Benefits All

In Hudson, Wisconsin there’s a high school working to create a better educational and social environment for each of its students. The program, Student-to-Student is a partnership between Hudson High School and Bridge for Youth with Disabilities. It pairs students in the special education program with “mentor” students and is the brainchild of Margi Miller, who was on the board of Bridge for Youth With Disabilities when she thought of the idea. She is the mother to both a child without disabilities and a child with disabilities. Now in its fifth year, Student-to-Student has seen a huge increase in popularity. … Continue reading

Special Needs Children and Camp: Part I – Benefits of Camp for Children with Special Needs

It’s that time of year again; time to start thinking about your summer plans. It’s time to research activities to keep your children occupied and engaged through the weeks without school that will be here before you know it. For many children, it will be a summer of attending different camps from day camps to sports camps to overnight camps. There are many camps to choose from, even for children with special needs. Camps come in many shapes and sizes these days including camps for children with physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, children with chronic conditions and children facing emotional stresses … Continue reading

The Benefits of Online Support Groups

Parents of children with special needs can use all the support we can get, but it is often hard to find. I know for us it was nearly impossible since people with cystic fibrosis are discouraged from spending time together, therefore it is difficult for CFers and parents of CFers to meet and talk. We found a great deal of support on the internet and have benefited from it almost daily. In person support groups have their advantages. They are personal and up close allowing you to really get to know people. However, getting to know people over the internet … Continue reading