Can You Separate Myths from Facts About Health Reform?

In March of 2012, the Supreme Court heard several days of arguments regarding certain aspects of the Affordable Care Act. Most people are aware that the ACA involves a series of laws and regulations that have something to do with health care reform. How much do you know about health reform? Can you separate the myths from the facts? The White House has an incredibly informative page on their website that addresses the misinformation that has been spread around about the Affordable Care Act. How much do you know about the ACA? Reading over the information on that page is … Continue reading

Dieting Myths – Part 1

After losing 30 pounds last year, I gained 10 back over the holidays. I know that is not horrible, but by eating poorly and not exercising, I know I am in trouble. I thought now might be a good time to remind myself of dieting myths as I try to get back on the bandwagon! #1 – Crash diets are a good way to lose weight! I know I will have some naysayers for this one, but I am not a huge fan of crash diets. I know a lot of women swear by them, but I view dieting as … Continue reading

Top Adoption Myths

November is National Adoption Month. In honor of this month’s emphasis on educating people about adoption, I am offering a personal “Top Ten” list of myths I hear about adoption, and my responses. 1. Myth: Adoption has become an activity for the wealthy only. Reality: • Adopting from the foster care system is free, and the children often continue to receive a subsidy for medical and other necessary care. Contrary to popular belief, there are infants to be adopted this way. • International Adoption has many up-front costs, but these are usually substantially offset by the $10,000 tax credit and … Continue reading

Fun Health Myths

My six year old son was doing a research project. He wanted to find out more about poisonous ladybugs. How he decided ladybugs were poisonous is beyond me. When we looked it up, it turns out that they are. The catch is you’d have to eat several hundred of them to even feel sick. While we were researching ladybugs I ran across a piece of folk lore from France: If you are ill and a ladybug lands on you, when it flies away it will take the illness with it. Where’s a ladybug when you need one? This little tidbit … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Review for Jan 6-Jan 12

Good morning, it’s a soggy Saturday here. It started raining yesterday and it’s been quite drenching. They are worried about freezing temperatures and there’s every chance we’ll have freezing rain and ice storms today so I have a feeling we’ll be fairly housebound for the weekend. That’s all right; we’ve plenty to do to amuse ourselves. Our daughter got Dance, Dance Revolution for Christmas and it’s time she and I spent some time together dancing our little tushies off. But before we dive into that, here is our Fitness Blog week in review. Saturday, January 6 Personal Fitness Challenge – … Continue reading

The Myths and Facts About Incest and Child Sexual Assault

October is Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Queensland, Australia. The theme of the month is “Stop Incest”. Before incest can be eradicated, we all need to have an understanding of the pervasive myths that prevent us from acknowledging the seriousness of this horrific crime that is perpetrated by family members or close family friends. MYTH – Children lie about incest. FACT– Both research and the experiences of those who work with sexually abused children have shown that children very rarely lie about incest. Statistics show that in 98% of cases children’s statements are found to be true (Dympna House Editorial/Writers … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog: Week in Review – Sept 23-29

Fitness Blog’s: The Week in Review Sept 23-29 It’s been a terrifically busy week here in the Fitness blog and you’d think after 10 months of talking about fitness, I’d be tired of it, but I’m far from that date. We’re winding September down and we’re heading into October. Be sure to check out the September End of the Month Fitness Goal Check today and be back here tomorrow to start our run on October fitness. We’re going to talk a lot about Women’s Fitness in October in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In the meanwhile, here’s a review … Continue reading

Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2013

So what’s on the horizon for 2013 when it comes to fitness trends? A recent survey has come up with predictions for what those will be. And you might be surprised to learn that most of these are pretty basic. In general, “body weight” exercises are going to be the big thing. These are your typical physical activities, such as pushups or pull-ups, which can shed pounds and tone muscle…yet, there is little cost involved. With the economy continuing to struggle, this is going to be very appealing to fitness enthusiasts and those who will be ready to make changes … Continue reading

What Does F.I.T.N.E.S.S. Stand For?

What does F.I.T.N.E.S.S. stand for? “F” stands for functional intensity training (FIT). This is a combination of cardio and weight training. You receive a more well-rounded approach to exercise when you incorporate both. “I” stands for intense. You have to be intense about exercise if you truly want to succeed. Without it, you are going to quickly lose your motivation. “T” stands for try. You need to try new things. If you stick to the same old routine or the same old exercises, you will get bored. Be adventurous. Here are some ideas to help you out: yoga, circuit training, … Continue reading

Why Exercise During Pregnancy

Our bodies were designed to be exercised. Our muscles are meant to be toned and our hormones depend on aerobic movement to stay in balance. Without exercise our metabolisms slow and our immune systems become weakened. Exercise is important and should play a significant role in our daily lives. The need for exercise does not go away with pregnancy, rather the need is increased. Countless studies have shown the health benefits of exercise for both mother and baby. Exercise relieves and prevents aches and pains that are common during pregnancy, which giving the mother a surge in endorphins giving her … Continue reading