Healthy Halloween: Halloween Hazards

When I was a little kid getting ready for trick-or-treating, the big fear was foreign objects in candy and other handouts. After Halloween, we had to go through our haul, looking for wrappers with holes or rips (or fruit with damaged skins) and throw that candy (or fruit) away — the fear was that someone had put pins or razor blades into the treat. It seems kind of silly now. A razor blade is kind of obvious, right? No fool would bite into a miniature candy bar with a piece of metal hanging out… would they? According to (one … Continue reading

Halloween Candy vs. My Stomach

I love Halloween. I love taking an idea and turning it into a costume. I love the groups of little kids dressed up and shouting “trick or treat” at the door. And of course… I love the candy. When I was little — you may remember this, too — there were all sorts of candy scares around Halloween time. Urban legends (and real news stories) of people doing very hurtful things to candy, like inserting pins or razor blades. I remember carefully checking each and every wrapper for suspicious holes, and being forced to throw out home-made treats. It was … Continue reading