Eight Great Ways To Beat A Winter Cold

Gargle with warm water — or better yet, warm salt water. Why? Because gargling can help flush out mucus that drains from the sinuses down your throat. And the water will help hydrate the cells at the back of your throat. If the cells there are dry, they will be less effective at keeping germs out of your respiratory tract. Drink hot tea. Researchers from Harvard University found that tea drinkers have immune system responses that are FIVE TIMES faster than coffee drinkers’. Why? Tea contains catechins, which may help your immune system spring into action against viruses. Another study … Continue reading

Battling Your Home’s Invisible Dangers–Protecting Your Kids

In my previous blog I revealed that I spent the past few days battling a respiratory illness and wondered what had caused me to feel so miserable. I joked (partially) that the numerous invisible hazardous pollutants that are present in nearly every household could have triggered my sickness. That blog provided tips on how to control the problem, but neglected to stress how important it is to rid your home of these dangerous pollutants, especially if you have young children. Recent studies illustrate the negative effects toxic household pollutants have on adults, but the real eye-opener is what they do … Continue reading

Alternative Flu Remedies

Last week I thought I had the flu. Actually, I thought I had strep throat, but it turned out to be a severe cold, sore throat, and upset stomach (at least that’s what “Ask-A-Nurse” decided it was). Prior to calling the nurse (I was convinced it was the flu and diagnosed myself with such) I sought out treatments to combat the flu. Do you have any idea how many different products there are that claim to prevent and treat flu-like symptoms? Tons. Let me be clear, it’s never a good idea to self-diagnosis your maladies (that’s what doctors are for). … Continue reading