Making New Year’s Resolutions

Yes, I am thinking about making a New Year’s Resolution.  I know, many people say when you do this, you are only setting yourself up for failure.  But sometimes, you just need something to get you kicked off in the right direction. This year, as with all years in the past, I am resolving to lose weight.  Oh, I know I can do it – I lost 30 pounds three years ago.  And then gained it all back within the stressful last two years of returning to the workforce, moving, and changing jobs twice. But this year, I need to … Continue reading

Health at School: New Shoes

Back to school shopping was always a horrible trial for my family. I’ve never been a huge fan of clothes shopping, so it was a miserable experience just for that. Then there was the huge divide in taste between me and my mom, which eventually got settled with this rule: if I picked something she hated, then she got to pick something I hated. Shoe shopping was only slightly less of a battlefield, if only because the choices were somewhat more limited! Much of our shoe shopping (in the elementary school years, at least) was done at the little shoe … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: October 2008

If you had an October baby, congratulations! I hope that you will spend some time with us here at, as we bring you the latest news and tips for you and your family. Here is the Baby Blog month in review for October. October 1st Insect Repellent and Young Children Protecting my children is the number one priority, but one thing that I tend to avoid is insect repellent. I figure that putting additional chemicals on my kids is not the best idea, that is until now. These days, a mosquito bite is not just an annoyance, but it … Continue reading

Fall Trends: Environmentally-Friendly School Supplies

In previous posts I’ve detailed “HOT” back-to-school fashion trends for students and flashback fashion ideas for moms. Today I’m revealing a new trend that is gaining popularity with both kids and parents—“green” school supplies. You’ve heard about homes “going green” and “green travel,” so you had to know that it was simply a matter of time before the must-have items in your child’s classroom went “green” as well. Want to show your kids how to save the planet? Then stock them up with the following environmentally friendly school supplies. Office Depot (along with other office supply stores and discount chains) … Continue reading

An Unacceptable Use of Duct Tape

Duct tape has been used to fix many things, and has dozens of uses. One thing that duct tape should never be used on, however, is a child’s shoes, especially if the purpose was to prevent the child from removing the shoes while she was at school. Sadly, this really did happen. Westlake Elementary School is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Nate and Elizabeth Searcy have two children who were attending the school: their son, Riley, who is six years old, and their daughter Shaylyn, who is eight years old. Shaylyn has Down Syndrome. On Monday, February 4, 2013, the Searcy’s … Continue reading

Inexpensive Exercise

One of my biggest complaints, when it comes to fitness, is how expensive it can be to eat healthy. I find it frustrating when healthier choices require more out of your pocketbook. As challenging as this can sometimes be, we can at least take advantage of inexpensive exercise. In fact, some of it is downright free. Pretty soon we will be heading into the holidays where a few pounds might get put on. Then we will be seeing advertisements on television for gym memberships. This will be your opportunity to take off the extra weight and start the New Year … Continue reading

Fun Smoothies for Kids

Recently, I introduced you to a new brand of chocolate milk called TruMoo. TruMoo Chocolate milk is not a chocolate drink. It is made from real milk but void of high fructose corn syrup and growth hormones. The milk is not organic yet it does eliminate two dangerous elements. Growth hormones and high fructose corn syrup have no place on a child’s menu. If your children love chocolate milk as much as mine and you are looking for a less expensive yet safe option then TruMood may be for you. I know my children love it. They ask for chocolate … Continue reading

Driving to the Brink

Despite her growing pains, I try to embrace every second of my soon-to-be seven-year-old’s daily existence, for soon she will no longer be my little girl genius regularly sharing such shards of wisdom like: “Mommy, you know why Velcro shoes are so great? Because you can hear when they untie.” Soon she will be a big girl genius in her own mind, actively bucking any parental guidance I subconsciously (or blatantly) try to influence her with. Soon she’ll be a teenage, not unlike my friend’s son, who decided to flex his growing independence this past weekend by getting on a … Continue reading

Cheap and Easy Summer Fun with Kids

As I mentioned in a previous blog, you don’t have to fly to Disney or rent an expensive RV and hit the road on a two-week vay-cay to make lasting summer memories with your kids. If the struggling economy has you scaling back on your summer vacation plans, then consider sticking closer to home and bonding with your children while taking part in the following activities: Berry Picking Strawberry picking is a summertime tradition in our family. Each June, we drive to a nearby farm and pick pounds and pounds of fresh, juicy berries. The family-friendly activity is geared towards … Continue reading

Keeping the Germs Away

When your child has an autoimmune deficiency or a chronic illness such as cystic fibrosis, exposure to germs is a scary and often dangerous event. Many parents argue that germs lead to the building of a child’s immunities. True. However, for some children, the common cold can turn into a hospital visit and will mean missing school and activities. It could also mean permanent damage that is irreversible and detrimental to a child’s long-term health and life-expectancy. While you can’t control the outside world, if your child has a condition that turns tiny germs into giant, overpowering menaces, here are … Continue reading