A Hearing Loss Epidemic?

A recent study from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland took a look at the possibility of an epidemic of hearing loss in the United States. Right now, one out of every three adults in the United States suffers from some degree of hearing loss. I have some hearing loss on the left side from my days in radio — for a long time, I used a broken pair of headphones that only worked on the left. I’d turn the sound up to compensate for only having one working speaker… and I’ve paid for it. The study team from Johns … Continue reading

Hearing Tricks

Did you know that just thirty seconds of listening to a 120 decibel concert can put you at risk for permanent hearing damage? It doesn’t take much exposure to loud noise to leave your ears ringing and in danger of permanent hearing loss. Here are some tips to help you protect your hearing and hear better! Wear earplugs if you’re going to a concert. San Francisco recently passed an ordinance requiring music venues to make earplugs available — hopefully other cities will follow suit. A soft pair of earplugs are portable and easy to use. Wear ear protection if you’ll … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: July 23 to July 30

We had a busy week in the baby blog this past week. From sleeping to baby research to the newest baby products, we covered it here. Here is the breakdown of what we covered: July 26 Babies Aren’t Supposed to Sleep So often I find that new parents are reading this book or that method to try and ‘train’ their infant to sleep better. However, the more I parent, the more I really believe that your baby’s sleep patterns are a big part of his temperament rather than something you did or didn’t do. Baby Bling? Seriously? I was shocked … Continue reading

Family Friendly Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

There are many people who choose to celebrate St. Patricks’ Day by enjoying some alcoholic beverages. Families, however, can find plenty of family-friendly ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with their kids. Here’s a list of idea for parents who want to give their kids something fun to do this St. Patrick’s Day. Wear Green It has been said that a person must wear green on St. Patrick’s Day in order to avoid getting pinched. It might not be a great idea to introduce that part of the holiday to your kids. There are also a lot of people who … Continue reading

My Three Favorite Finance Websites

The internet can be a great source for information about financial matters, if you know where to look. Whether you are looking for ways to save more and spend less or you need advice on a particular topic such as retirement planning or business finance you can find the information you need online. Choosing a finance themed blog or two to read on a regular basis can be a great way to boost your financial literacy, too. Here are a few resources that I have found helpful for various financial topics: Kiplinger’s Personal Finance – A very well established personal … Continue reading

Wash Me, Please

There I was down in the basement, picking up our new playroom yet again. The kids were upstairs in the living room playing a new dance game on the Wii. They were having a lot of fun, judging from the giggling and the various stomps and booms I was hearing through the basement ceiling. I admit that I had an ulterior motive for being down in the playroom–to identify some items that could get passed on to other kids. Every once in a while, I would climb the basement stairs and ask the kids, “Hey, can we donate item x?” … Continue reading

The Shamrock Shimmy

Just when I thought my daughter could only bust a move to Flo Rida and his request to “Put yo hands up! Put yo hands up! Put yo hands up!” she shocks me by requesting that I enroll her in Irish stepdance classes. The Trinity Irish Dancers paid a visit to her school today for a pre-St. Patrick’s Day party in the gym. Apparently, they called some of the students up on stage to perform with them and my daughter held her own with the pros. After the show a few of the dancers invited her to their studio for … Continue reading

Looking Forward to Saint Patrick’s Day

As Saint Patrick’s Day approaches, I start thinking about Irish food. Of course, Irish food is so delicious that I like to enjoy it throughout the year, but Saint Patrick’s Day is a great excuse to plan an all-out Irish menu for the entire day. While I have fond childhood memories of Saint Patrick’s Day corned beef and cabbage dinners complete with my mom’s home made Irish Soda Bread, I usually make something different each year. In fact, I have started somewhat of a tradition in my home of going to the grocery store the day after Saint Patrick’s Day … Continue reading

Clogged Ears

When I get sick, it usually goes to my sinuses and throat. And those are problems I know how to handle! I’ve had a lot of success holding off sinus infections by using an irrigation kit. But for the last few days, my left ear has been clogged. Maybe it’s lingering water from the shower, maybe it’s something more serious. I’m starting to get that achy feeling down towards my jaw that reminds me of swimmer’s ear. Time to turn to my trusty home remedy resources! The general consensus among my library of natural remedies is that water may indeed … Continue reading

YouTube Depression Era Cooking

Many families today are looking back into the past to see what they can learn from generations before, especially folks who lived through the Great Depression. During the Great Depression, the unemployment rate reached 25 percent, and food as well as most everything was scarce. Feeding your family became a battle of creative ingenuity. While we still have it a lot easier today, there is a lot that we can gain by practicing some depression era cooking. We can learn to make healthy meals and even treats for less. Sure there were a lot of beans on the stove, but … Continue reading