What Causes Stress?

Long term stress (also known as chronic stress) is the kind of stress that causes the most problems for your health. Here are some situations that can lead to chronic stress: Health problems, especially a chronic illness. Emotional problems. This can include uncontrolled anger, untreated depression, low self-esteem, guilt, or grief. Internal conflict — for example, your ideal life vs. your actual life. Difficulty in a relationship. Insecurity, mistrust, and conflict in a relationship can be a source of stress. Lack of close friends or family — feeling like you have no one to share your feelings with. Work — … Continue reading

Stress and Money

Stress and money go hand in hand. We stress about money, no matter how much we have. Moreover, when we don’t have enough, our money causes us further stress. It is almost a never-ending cycle. Still, it is a cycle I dare you to break. Stress deteriorates our quality of life and our health. The more you stress, the worse you will feel. Feeling bad and poor health will certainly cost you extra money. Once again, here is another cycle leading to disaster. Don’t let the stress associated with money overtake you. Find ways to make money easier to manage … Continue reading

Herbal Stress Soothers

Thanks to both internal (PMS) and external factors, I’ve been feeling pretty stressed lately. When I found myself snapping at friends, family, and coworkers, I decided it was time to stop and do some damage control. First, I made a plan. I wanted some physical activity to help blow off steam and I wanted something to help me relax when I was done. For the physical side, I decided to clean the apartment. I’d have the added bonus of a fresh, clean home when I was done — and the chance to work some stress out of my system. For … Continue reading

Four Tips for Settling a Nervous Stomach

When my dogs have an upset stomach, I know just what to do: cook up a pot of white rice, mix it with some chicken broth, and serve it up. But when I’m dealing with my own nervous stomach, the solution isn’t quite so easy. A “nervous stomach” is often a symptom of stress… at least, it is for me! As the stress level in my life goes up (I feel like I’m at Stresscon Five right now), my stomach wants to join the party. Sometimes, I lose my appetite. More often, the problem shows up at the end of … Continue reading

The Right Tea for the Job

Tea is good for you in many ways! But there are lots of teas out there… so how do you choose the one that’s best for what’s ailing you? Alas, some teas make big claims and have small (if any) benefits. The coffee and tea aisle at the food store is full of all kinds of health remedies. And for some things, like stress, anxiety, PMS, and an upset stomach, tea can be the perfect cure. You usually don’t need to drink much — just one or two cups can relieve the problem. If you are feeling nauseated, bloated, or … Continue reading