Things to Know About CHIP

The Children’s Health Insurance Program, which is abbreviated as CHIP, is something that is talked about in the news from time to time. Your child might qualify for the program, or could currently be benefiting from it. The CHIP program receives funding for a certain amount of years, and then depends on Congress to allow that funding to continue. Facts About CHIP The Children’s Health Insurance Program was passed in 1997. CHIP provides health insurance for 9 million children. CHIP helps families who make too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but who don’t make enough to be able to … Continue reading

Teen Anxiety Linked to Parent-Infant Relationship

Parents want the very best for their baby. They put a great deal of effort into understanding what their baby needs and making sure that he or she gets it. Things change a bit when a child turns into a teenager and becomes difficult. Now, many parents are bewildered by the behaviors they see in their teen. When did the teenager become so nervous? It turns out that the quality of the parent-infant relationship is linked to teen anxiety. A study was done that involved 165 European-American children. These kids were from middle to upper-middle-class families. Each child was recruited … Continue reading

Vermont has the Healthiest Kids

We all want our kids to be healthy! It appears that the state of Vermont is doing very well towards making that hope a reality. Data gathered by the Centers for Disease Control about the Green Mountain State shows that Vermont has the healthiest kids in America. How does what Vermont is doing compare to your state? The Centers for Disease Control’s Data Resource Center released a survey called The National Survey of Children’s Health. It took the results of the survey and presented them in a way that made it more accessible to parents (as well as other researchers … Continue reading

Opposite Sex Friendships: Playing with Fire

I’ll warn you ahead of time.  You may not agree with anything I have to say in this blog.  In fact, you might think I’m living in the dark ages…but that’s okay. The issue I’m talking about today is friendships with the opposite sex.  But please understand ahead of time that I am coming at this from the angle of seeing the destruction it almost cost my marriage and the fact I have been married for 21 ½ years. My opinion is that having a friendship with someone of the opposite sex is playing with fire.  Think about how many … Continue reading

When Technology Becomes Unhealthy

Living in this world of technology, one thing I have noticed is a change in relationships.  Face-to-face interactions happen less often.  It’s easier to shoot out an email or text.  It may feel safer to have a discussion through instant messaging. Instead of talking about our feelings, we are voicing them on Facebook or Twitter.  And rather than enjoying quality time together with our friends, we sit a few feet from each other, tapping away on our devices. This can be not only unhealthy but dangerous.  I’ve seen one of my daughter’s friends fall for a guy she met online.  … Continue reading

Unhealthy Behaviors and Emotions

Does psychology play a role in the ability to lose weight?  For some people, the battle to shed extra pounds requires more than a good diet and exercise plan.  There could be something much deeper going on. In fact, some experts believe that in the majority of cases where people struggle with their weight, there are unhealthy behaviors and emotions involved.  If that’s true, then the best plan in the world won’t be able to conquer the problem. So it comes down to the heart of the issue.  It may go beyond the lack of willpower to stop eating when … Continue reading

Signs of an Unhealthy Dating Relationship

One of the more challenging issues that parents have to deal with in raising teenagers is dating.  Ideally this is something your family discusses long before the time arrives. There are a couple of reasons this is important.  The first is that expectations are known ahead of time and can be clearly explained.  The second reason is that you can begin planting this information into your teen’s mind, before they start dating.  This avoids surprises. At the same time, be ready to make adjustments along the way.  I really thought I had it set in stone what the “rules” were … Continue reading

5 Ways to Save on Gym Memberships and Workouts

Ready to fulfill those New Years Eve Resolutions for a healthier body and a more active lifestyle? Gym memberships are a great way to make a regular commitment with professional equipment and classes that are sure to keep you on track. Here are five ways to save money on a gym membership. 1. Negotiate the Gym Fee When you are considering making a commitment to a gym membership then it is time to speak up. Tell them that you are thinking about joining but want to save some money. The health club may go ahead and waive the sign up … Continue reading

Iowa Will Have a State-Federal Partnership Exchange

Part of the Affordable Care Act requires that all states have a health insurance exchange. The deadline for states that wanted to have a state-based exchange has passed. The Governor of Iowa, Terry Branstad, has declared that Iowa will pursue a state-federal partnership health insurance exchange. Every state is required to have a health insurance exchange. In 2014, individuals and small businesses will use the exchange to find affordable health insurance. There were three potential options for the way that a state’s health insurance exchange could be. One option was to create a state-based exchange. The deadline for that option … Continue reading

Three More Health Insurance Exchanges Get Approval

One of the requirements of the Affordable Care Act involves the creation of health insurance exchanges. Recently, the Obama Administration gave conditional approval to the state-based health insurance exchanges of six states. Now, two more, and the District of Colombia, have gained approval. This brings the current total to nine. When it comes to health insurance exchanges, there are three options that a state can choose from. They can create a state-based exchange. They can work on a partnership between their state and the federal government. Or, a state can choose to have the federal government create and run their … Continue reading