Hormonal Breast Tenderness

One of my least favorite symptoms of PMS is the breast tenderness. I guess I’m lucky that I don’t suffer this particular symptom every month… but when it does hit, it sure does hurt! During PMS and even pregnancy, hormonal changes can lead to discomfort in the mammary glands. Reproductive hormones (estrogen and progesterone) trigger growth in the milk producing glands. Blood and other fluids fill the nearby area. This can cause painful stretching to your nerves! So what can you do to relieve hormonal breast tenderness? Try a diet change. A high-fiber, low-fat diet may signal your body to … Continue reading

Breast Changes During Pregnancy

All women experience breast changes at various times during pregnancy. There is an important reason for these changes; your body is preparing to feed your baby. During pregnancy, your breasts are preparing to make milk. Some women see colostrum leaking while they are still pregnant. The changes in the breasts start early. One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is sore breasts. The tenderness will start around the time you start wondering if you could possibly be pregnant. It will continue throughout the first trimester. Hormones are the main reason for the tenderness. An increase in blood flow to the … Continue reading

Migraines and Hormones

My mother was around my age when she started having migraines. I’m starting to consider the fact that some of my splitting headaches recently are the result of monthly hormone changes. Symptoms of migraine can include: Moderate to severe pain (may be a pounding, throbbing pain) that may shift from one side to the other or affect the whole head. Sensitivity to light, noise, and/or odors Blurred vision Nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, abdominal pain Loss of appetite Sensations of heat or cold Dizziness Fatigue Aura — seeing bright, flashing lights or dots, blind spots, and/or wavy lines I’ve definitely been … Continue reading

Supplements That Can Relieve PMS Symptoms

There are a lot of wonderful things about being a woman… but I don’t think PMS is all that great. If you look forward to the bloating, the cramps, the aches, and the irritability, you don’t have to keep reading this one. However, if you’re looking to relieve the many and varied symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, here are some supplements that can help. Vitamin B6 can help relieve symptoms like mood swings, water retention, bloating, breast tenderness, weird cravings, and fatigue. However, in large doses, vitamin B6 can be toxic. Talk to your doctor before increasing your vitamin B6 intake … Continue reading