Pets in Assisted Living

More and more assisted living facilities are welcoming pets along with people! I personally think this is a great idea. Pets have such a positive effect on people — mentally, physically, and emotionally. A transition to an assisted living facility can be difficult; if a pet eases the way, I’m all for it. However, there are some drawbacks to allowing pets to live in a facility. The cons of pets in assisted living: Staff members have to spend time and energy helping owners care for the pets. Pet food and health care is an additional financial burden on owners and … Continue reading

How Pets Relieve Stress

I had a discouraging morning at work today. By the time I got home, I was sad and cranky and in a generally bad mood. And then I opened the door. My German shepherd mix, Moose, came waddling up and jammed his nose into my hand. My boxer mix, Lally, came bounding up with her squeaky ball in her mouth and her tail wagging. And I just had to smile. Pets have an amazing ability to relieve stress. It’s hard to keep feeling bad when you have a barking, licking, wiggling, warm fuzzy bundle of joy around. It’s hard to … Continue reading

Pets and Music Revisited

I have mentioned before that my dogs seem to like music. Moose (my German shepherd mix) seems to like it more than Lally (my boxer mix) does. When we lived in New Jersey, Moose would sit by the fence and listen to the teens down the street rehearse in the garage. He’d sit there for hours just listening! Music isn’t just for entertainment, either. It can be healing for people — and for pets. A harpist from Oregon conducted a study on the power of harp music on animals in 2000. Alianna Boone played her harp for dogs hospitalized at … Continue reading

Is Your Cat Stressed?

A big change in the routine — like moving, or going away on vacation and boarding your cat — can lead to stress. Even something that seems like a small change — using a new type of litter or switching to a new style of litter box — can lead to stress. Cats handle stress in different ways depending on their personalities. An outgoing, friendly cat may experience phobias or obsessive symptoms when they are stressed. A shy, quiet cat may experience hysterical, antisocial, or self-destructive behavior. In the case of extreme stress, humans and cats may experience similar symptoms … Continue reading

Preparing for Crops

  Weekend scrapbooking crops are the perfect venue to learn new techniques, get inspiration from fellow scrappers and experiment with new tools.  The organized get-togethers are exciting and informative, but they can also be intimidating for newbies. Depending on how large of a crop you attend, you could be looking at scrapbooking with hundreds of other memory book builders.  In order to keep the event running smoothly, there are typically quite a few rules to consider.  When I attended my first crop the following ditty circulated around the ballroom.  It was discovered on and speaks to the unwritten rules … Continue reading

Animals Can Feel Empathy

2011 was the year of animal empathy. Two studies released this year, one at the beginning, the other at the end, have taken steps to prove that animals can feel sorry both for humans and for each other. The first report, covered by Discovery News, explains why some scientists now think dogs feel empathy for humans. Karine Silva and Liliana Sousa of the Abel Salazar Biomedical Sciences Institute studied how dogs react to humans in distress. Dog owners will agree that their canines certainly respond to their owners when the latter are in distress. But is that true empathy, or … Continue reading

Pressure Treatment

The Thundershirt from my last pet blog made me start to wonder about pressure as a treatment for dog anxiety. As I said, I’d never heard of the practice before, so I’m curious as to whether or not it’s a legitimate calming method or something made up by Thundershirt salespeople. After spending a while researching the topic, I’m more inclined to believe the latter. Multiple searches using varied forms of the phrase “pet anxiety pressure treatment” resulted in page after page only talking about the subject specifically in relation to selling the Thundershirt. I’m ready to consider the “pressure as … Continue reading

First Aid for Nausea

Thankfully, nausea doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to throw up. Nausea is the sensation that accompanies the urge to vomit. Other feelings that may show up with nausea (feeling sick to your stomach) can include: feeling weak or sweaty and having too much saliva in your mouth. Sometimes, nausea (and vomiting) is a sign of some other illness. Common causes for nausea can include: a virus, food poisoning, stress and other mental health issues, some medications, migraines, inner ear issues, drug and/or alcohol abuse, and pregnancy. Occasional nausea can often be treated at home. Here are some things to try: … Continue reading

HAPPY: Pet Exemption Bill Introduced in Congress

There was a flyer on the bulletin board at work this morning about the HAPPY Act: Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years. This is a bill that seeks to allow pet owners a tax exemption for pet care expenses. H.R. 3501 seeks to amend Internal Revenue Service codes to allow a deduction of up to $3500 per year for qualified pet care expenses. This doesn’t include livestock — the bill only covers domesticated household pets and does not include animals used for business or research purposes. What inspired this? The bill mentions two key facts: A 2007-2008 survey of … Continue reading

Fuzz Therapy at School

There’s an old Calvin and Hobbes comic that I’ve always loved: Calvin comes in after a long, horrible day and finds Hobbes (his stuffed tiger) snoozing on the floor. Calvin buries his face in the tiger’s tummy and sits up with a smile on his face. “Ahhhh… fuzz therapy,” he says. Studies have shown that pets are great when it comes to relieving stress. Whether you’re old or young, healthy or infirm, a pet can be a huge mood booster and stress reliever. Pets who live in assisted living facilities help residents come out of their shells. A new study … Continue reading