A Solution When Eating Healthy Seems Too Expensive

Consuming healthy food with a tight budget is not impossible, especially if you get creative and shop wisely. Here are some tips that you can use that will help you buy healthy food on the cheap. Avoid Processed “Healthy Food” Processed food, even if it is labeled “whole” or made with organic ingredients isn’t necessarily healthy, and the more processed something is, the more expensive it tends to be. For example, organic fruit snacks cost more per pound than does fresh fruit, and it isn’t as good for you. Baby or pre-cut carrots are more expensive compared to typical large … Continue reading

Could Babies Conceived In Winter Have Higher Risk of Autism?

A study done in California seems to reveal a correlation between the time of year that a baby was conceived and the risk of being born with autism. Add this to the growing list of things that researchers are pointing to as a cause of autism. Before you try and plan out your pregnancy to avoid having a child who is on the autism spectrum, there are some things that you need to understand. This is the second study I have read about that makes a connection between when a child is conceived, or when a child is born, and … Continue reading

5 Tips for Healthy Kids this Winter

It seems impossible, yet many families manage it – staying germ free for an entire winter. With all the sneezes that move through a school building, it’s difficult to keep your children from getting the occasional runny nose, but with the careful consideration that many families of children with special needs take, your children too, can stay healthy this year. My daughter has cystic fibrosis, and because of this, she must be kept away from anyone who has even a cold. This is a tough job, especially around the holidays and in our rigid New England climate. So far, at … Continue reading

Five Potentially Embarrassing Habits of a Healthy and Happy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of those seasons in a woman’s life when many social norms are set aside and grace is extended often. Pass gas in public? Don’t expect anyone to laugh at you. Waddle much? It’s cute, not awkward! Take a third trip to the buffet? You’re eating for two! Take advantage of this social leniency and do five things that will keep you safe and comfortable. Disregard that little voice that says, “but I feel stupid.” 1. Wear those winter boots. Don’t worry, the fashion police will avert their eyes while you sport winter boots with extra tread while … Continue reading

Safe and Healthy Snow Shoveling

You might not think about it until the white stuff is falling from the sky, but shoveling snow can be quite a workout! The effort of clearing snow off the sidewalks and driveway can be a strain for your muscles — especially your heart. Shoveling snow is pretty intense exercise. Bending, lifting, twisting, throwing… it engages a lot of your body. If you aren’t in decent shape to start with, it can be a real strain on your system. Here are some tips to help you take care of yourself while you take care of the snow. Start shoveling early … Continue reading

Winter House Plant Care

Houseplants feel the colder temperatures and reduced humidity just as we humans do. The shorter days means that many plants slow down their growth. Here are some tips to help you keep your houseplants healthy and happy. Be careful about placing houseplants on windowsills in the winter. Not only might they get drafts from cold winds, but if their leaves touch the cold window the leaves can get damaged and fall off. A better idea is to place plants near a windowsill but not directly on it. Rotate your houseplants on a regular basis. With the reduced angle of the … Continue reading

Winter Travel Deals: Roaming Rome for Cheap and Bargains in Beantown

With the euro pummeling the dollar it’s not hard to see why many American tourists are staying closer to home this winter season. However, if you are dying to visit Europe and want to do so without having to battle massive crowds, then now is the time to go. Winter is an especially good time to visit Rome. The hordes of tourists are minimal and the weather is cool but comfortable with daytime temps in the 50s, which is balmy compared to some locations in northern Europe. If fashion is your middle name then you would be remiss to pass … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review for November 13 – 18

The pregnancy blog offers information on all aspects of reproductive health, from trying to conceive until the post partum period. The review is a synopsis of recent topics covered in the blog. This is a quick and easy way to catch up on your reading. By now, we all know that drinking alcohol can be damaging to the baby. Fetal alcohol syndrome is the result of consistent alcohol consumption or frequent binge drinking during pregnancy. There is a less severe, but still damaging form of the disorder. Read more in Fetal Alcohol Effects. Damage caused by Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is … Continue reading

Eight Great Ways To Beat A Winter Cold

Gargle with warm water — or better yet, warm salt water. Why? Because gargling can help flush out mucus that drains from the sinuses down your throat. And the water will help hydrate the cells at the back of your throat. If the cells there are dry, they will be less effective at keeping germs out of your respiratory tract. Drink hot tea. Researchers from Harvard University found that tea drinkers have immune system responses that are FIVE TIMES faster than coffee drinkers’. Why? Tea contains catechins, which may help your immune system spring into action against viruses. Another study … Continue reading

Care of African American Children in Transracial Adoptions: Winter Skincare

Long before I ever began blogging, I have wanted to talk about this subject. I remember the first time I noticed a white mother pushing a little black baby in a shopping cart, I wanted to run over to her and give her words of encouragement, and some hair care tips to boot. (Some of my fellow employees pointed and stared, and the baby’s hair was a mess). I am going to save those two subjects for later and start with something a bit closer to my heart… skincare. Adoption blogger Ed Paul, tells me that skincare is an issue … Continue reading